Liam- Covid-19 (Teen)

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Harry- Dad
Louis- Papa
Liam- 17

*** Hey everyone I know it has been a while. I have had a lot happening in the past few months and it has been a rough road for me. Anyways, I figured why not try out a Covid sickfic. If this topic is sensitive to you please be careful reading or do not read. I do not intend to offend anyone. I hope you enjoy!***

(Liam's POV)

I woke up this morning feeling very hot. My whole body was soaked in sweat. I looked over at my alarm clock and saw that it was 4:30. Great. My alarm would be ringing at 5am for school. I sat up to get a drink of water and noticed how my head started to pound. I felt my nose suddenly get stuffed up from the transition of laying to sitting. No, I thought. I can not be getting sick. I decided to lay back down and try to sleep a little bit longer.

I woke up a little bit later to my alarm blaring in my ears. I lazily reached over to shut my alarm off. I didn't even realise I needed to get up, and I fell asleep again.

When I woke up next, I didn't remember shutting off the alarm so I assumed I had woken up before it went off. I thought it must be around 4:45, but when I turned to look at my clock, it read 5:15am. I felt my face pale as I shot up out of bed to get dressed for school. I realised my nose had not cleared at all and my head was pounding even worse. I groaned out loud. I was not ready for today. I threw on some clothes as fast as I could go with feeling like shit and then I went to the bathroom to comb my hair. I looked through the medicine cabinet and found some cold and flu tablets and I took 2 of them. When I swallowed, I noticed my throat was a bit sore. Great, add another problem to my list.

I went to grab my bag for school and I walked downstairs to meet my Pops for breakfast. My dad had already gone to work for the day, and my pops was sitting at the table with Niall.

"Hey Li. You must have woken up a bit late today. It's 5:30 already."

"Yeah I am still so tired though."

"How can you be tired still? You slept for like 10 hours!" Pops exclaimed.

I just glared at him, not in the mood to deal with him messing with me today. I sat down at the table and rested my head in my hands and sighed.

"Hey hey. You know I was just messing with you right?"

I nodded. My head was absolutely killing me.

"What's up with you today bud? You okay?"

I moved my hands and looked up at him. I debated on not saying anything, but I really wasn't sure if I could handle school today.

"I don't feel too great. Can I stay home today?"

Pops looked at my face seeming to register how I looked. He almost seemed to be concerned, but then he rolled his eyes at me and smirked.

"Li. Faking sick doesn't work on me. Your dad may fall for it, but I won't."

"But I am not faking. My nose is all congested and my head is pounding and I'm so hot."

"You do sound a little congested, but that's normal for this time of year. You don't look sick to me."

"Whatever," I groaned. Why did my dad have to be working the one day I get sick?

"Just sit down and eat Li. I made pancakes."

I sat next to Niall and started eating. It hurt to swallow every bite. My nose wouldn't quit running, and I resorted to shoving a tissue up each nostril instead of constantly blowing my nose. There were 3 pancakes on my plate, and I managed 2.

"You want my last pancake Niall?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded eagerly. I handed it to him and he devoured it. I chuckled and shook my head.

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