Niall Faking? Part 3

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It was only a couple of days later when I started to feel off again. I just felt hot and annoyed. We had 2 days off and of course I feel like shit during that. Me and the boys were outside in the swimming pool when I started to feel like this.

"Guys?" I said.

"Yes?" Said Liam.

"I think I'm gonna go inside and take a nap."

"You alright Niall?"

"Yeah I'm just tired and it's too hot out here."
********************************************(No ones POV)

The boys thought this was strange as it was only about 70 degrees out and they were in a 50 degree pool. But they thought about how Niall always gets hot and didn't worry about it. Little did they know, Niall had a fever that was rising fast.

When he was on the couch, Niall thought he'd cool off since he was now out of the heat. Boy was he wrong. He felt his face start to heat up and felt like it was burning. He went to go get the thermometer and saw his fever was 102.4. He figured it was time to tell the boys, at least Liam, that he didn't feel great. Before he could even get up, he heard loud laughter from all the boys and they walked in to the living room.
(Niall's POV)
Harry and Louis went to go make dinner, while Liam sat next to me on the couch.


"Yeah Ni?"

"I uh, um..."

"You what Ni? Come on, you can tell me."

"I don't feel so good again."

"Oh Niall, what's wrong?"

"Well outside I got super hot suddenly. I came in and thought I'd cool off, but I felt my face having a burning sensation so I took my temperature and it was 102.4."

"Wow, that's not good. We will keep an eye on you and if you get worse we're gonna end up back at the hospital sadly."

"Ugh," I groaned.

Liam went to tell the others I was getting bad again, and I started to feel really off like really, really off. I saw all the boys come in the room, but my vision blurred. I was frantically looking around at them all, hoping they could tell that something was wrong. I faintly heard someone saying my name, but it slowly got quieter. I tried sitting up, and I lost my vision entirely. My mind went fuzzy and that's all I could remember.

When I woke up, I was at the hospital. I vaguely remembered what happened to me, and I was still scared because I didn't want it to happen again.

"Niall! You're awake!" Said Louis, and all the others looked over at me too.

"You fainted very slowly but still fainted so we brought you here after you wouldn't wake up for 5 minutes of us trying," said Liam.

"I kind of remember. How long was I out?"

"About 3 hours," said Liam.

"The doctors are running some tests, and said hopefully you can leave today, but probably not since you're still at risk to faint again," said Harry.

"Ugh. I just want to be better."

"How you feeling now?" All the boys asked, surprisingly at the same time.

"My head hurts a bit, but other than that, I'm okay."

"Well that's good," said Louis.

A few minutes later, a doctor came in.

"Alright, so we ran some tests, and Niall was severely dehydrated, that is why he fainted. He is stable now due to fluids, but we will need to watch him over night to make sure he's okay and that nothing else is wrong. How do you feel Niall?"

"I'm okay, head hurts."

"I'll get you some medicine. I'll be back in a few minutes!"

After she left, I went back to sleep.
(No ones POV)

When Niall fell asleep, the boys decided to go for lunch. There was a cafeteria on that same floor, so they went there. They ordered burgers and fries, and talked about all they'd have to do when they went back home. When they finished, they went back to the room. Niall was surprisingly awake again, and he had a worried look on his face.

"Ni, you okay?" Asked Harry.

"I didn't know where you guys went. I also don't feel so great."

"Yeah, we just went for some lunch, and you won't for a while until you're fully hydrated."

"No, like I really don't feel good. Like I think I might throw up."

"Oh! Okay. I'll get the trash bin."

Niall threw up after a few minutes, and said he was feeling better now. He went to sleep again, and slept all the way until 9 pm. He got better fast, and was released the next morning. He was told to stay home again for the next week to fully recover, so that he wouldn't do something too straining, and land himself in he hospital for the 3rd time. Once that week was up, the boys continued their concerts and busy work days, glad to have their Niall back to his normal, happy self.

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