Harry- Hides Stomach Bug

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Request from ilangel1

"Harry sick maybe with a stomach bug and hides it thinking he can cope but he is really bad when the boys find out and they take care of him and get him better"
It was the middle of the night, and Harry woke up sweating, but shivering at the same time. He felt very uncomfortable. He kicked off his blankets and sat up. He looked at his clock on his nightstand which read, 2:16am. He groaned. He only had until about 6am to sleep. They had a concert tonight at 6, and rehearsals at 8am. He was happy that they could come back and relax in between though.

He tried to lay back down and go to sleep, but after 20 minutes of tossing and turning, he decided it was no use. He got up and went to the kitchen to get some water. He sat down at the table, and stared out the window. He was freezing, so he grabbed a blanket from the living room and wrapped it around himself.

Harry had just finished his water, and got up to put the cup into the sink. He suddenly felt very weak and his head started to hurt a bit. He felt shaky on his feet, so he decided to lay on the couch. He was suddenly very tired, and couldn't even be bothered to grab a pillow, before he was out like a light.

Niall woke up to his alarm going off at 6am. He groaned and shut it off. He wanted to curl back up and sleep, but he knew he needed to get up. He decided to go wake the others. He got Liam and Louis up, but when he walked into Harry's room, he wasn't there.

He went towards the kitchen, when he saw Harry fast asleep on the couch. He had a big fuzzy blanket over him, and he looked uncomfortable.

"Harry. Harry you need to get up," Niall said, shaking Harry awake.


"It is 6am, we have rehearsal at 8."

"Right, sorry Niall. I will be up in a minute."

Niall walked away to start breakfast for everyone. Little did he know, Harry ended up falling asleep again rather than getting up.

He had made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and dished out everyone's plates.

"Where is Harry?" Asked Louis.

"Not sure, he said he was gonna get up. He could be in the shower." Niall explained, ready to go find him.

Niall walked back into the living room noticing that Harry had fallen back asleep. He thought that was kind of strange.

He shook Harry awake again and said that he really needs to get up and get ready.

Harry sat up and put his head down in his hands. He had a pounding headache.

"Are you okay Harry?" Asked Niall.

"Yeah, I am fine. Just tired."

Niall nodded and walked back to the kitchen. Weird. Harry shouldn't be tired. He slept for a long time. Well, that is what Niall assumed.

"Did you get him up?" Asked Liam.

"Yeah he says he is tired. I don't understand why as he slept longer than us."

"Well we know Harry. Always needs his beauty sleep," said Louis.

Meanwhile, Harry had gotten up and dragged himself into his bedroom. He just wanted to sleep more. He searched through his closet to find a T-shirt and some jeans. He wanted so badly to wear a hoodie and sweatpants, but knew the boys would question him, as it is 85 degrees outside.

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