Calum- Broken Ankle Part 3

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*This will be the final part*

The boys all were on their way back from the hike feeling extremely guilty for how they treated Calum. He was in pain this whole time and they weren't even caring. They made it to the hospital at around 5 pm. They got themselves visitors passes and went down to the recovery room where Calum was laying after his surgery. He had a big splint on his leg and he looked miserable while he slept. It didn't take long for him to wake up and he instantly looked over at all the guys.

"You're here?"

"Yes, we are very sorry for not believing you Calum."

Calum forgave them and the doctor came in.

"Alright so Calum has just had surgery and he will be in this splint for 2 or 3 days until the swelling from the surgery goes down. Then he will have to be put back into a cast for 4 weeks. After that, we will take another MRI and if that is clear he will be in a boot for 2 weeks and then we will do physical therapy. Now there is a chance he won't heal properly or as fast. If he still is in substantial pain in 4 weeks when we get the cast off, I will do more xrays to make sure nothing new happened. But he should be fine."

The guys thanked the doctor and he got Calum checked out. He borrowed him a wheelchair to make it easier on him. They guys treated Calum to some ice cream before going home and having a much needed movie night.

*Skip forward 4 weeks later*

Today was the day where Calum got to get his cast off. He was happy because it was very uncomfortable. Calum was at the doctors alone today as the boys needed to record. He had a person from the clinic give him a ride.

"Hello Calum how are you?" Asked his doctor.

"I'm good."

"Alright so I'm going to wheel you straight through here to room 14 where we will remove this cast."

They got into the room and the doctor told Calum to sit on the bed and he grabbed out the materials to cut the cast. Calum's leg was very bruised and thin looking from the muscles not being used. He went in for his MRI and was back in the room waiting for results.

"Alright Calum. So your MRI looks great. So what we are going to do is I am going to find you a walking boot to wear for the next 2 weeks. Now since you haven't done any walking for a while, 1 week will be partial weight bearing and the 2nd you should be okay to do full weight bearing. I am going to give you some supplies to clean your leg off and some lotion if it is feeling dry. I will be back with the boot in a few minutes."

"Sounds great thank you!" Exclaimed Calum.

The doctor came back and fitted the boot onto Calum. He then grabbed discharge papers and explained to Calum how to remove and put on the boot and he was sent on his way. The guys had told him they'd pick him up so he waited patiently. He decided while he waited he would go outside to practice his partial weight bearing. He felt uneasy doing this, but he got used to the feeling. It wasn't too much later that the boys came to get him and he explained to them what had happened and what will happen next.

He was excited to be on the mend and hoped that nothing this bad would ever happen again.

**Sorry! Short one but I just needed to finish this it got so boring to write.**

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