Niall Faking? Part 1

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Niall went to bed last night early because he wasn't feeling very well. He figured it was just stress and that a good night sleep would make him feel better. He was wrong. He woke up feeling worse. He had a headache and his stomach was flipping continuously. Today, they had 2 interviews and a concert. Niall really didn't feel up to it. He didn't want to let down his fans though, so he played it cool like nothing was wrong. He knew the boys would baby him if he said something. He was just too tired to pull himself out of bed, so he drifted back into an uneasy sleep.

Meanwhile, Harry, Liam, and Louis were downstairs making breakfast. They were all talking about the big day ahead of them. After a few minutes, Harry spoke up.

"Where's Niall?" He asked.

All the boys shrugged their shoulders.

"Well, I'm going to go wake him up."

Harry walked up the steep stairs and walked into Niall's room to find that he was fast asleep. He shook him awake.

"Niall, Niall.....Niall, Ni you gotta wake up," Harry whispered.

"Mmm," he groaned.

Harry noticed that Niall was a bit off today, but there was no time for any of this. They had to eat and then go.

"Come eat breakfast Niall," said Harry

Niall opened his eyes and sat up slowly.

"You okay?" Asked Harry.

"Actually Haz, I'm not feeling good at all. It started last night but it's worse today."

"Hmmm, are you sure it's not that you just don't wanna do the interviews and concert tonight?"

"Harry I'm positive."

"Well, please get up and I'll bring Liam in. He's the daddy direction of this band.

*Niall's POV*

I really felt like shit. I have now begun to feel nauseous.

Liam walked in casually.

"Niall, Harry told me you don't feel well is that correct?"

"Yes," I whimpered, "my stomach is flipping awfully and my head hurts."

He leaned over and felt my forehead.

"Niall, you don't have a fever. Are you sure you're not just faking?"

"Liam I swear I'm not!"

"Okay well then we'll keep a close eye on you."

Liam left and I slowly got up. I got myself dressed and went to brush my teeth and comb my hair. I slowly made my way down the steps and went to the kitchen to sit by the other guys.

"Here Ni, have some pancakes!" Said Liam, a bit too excitedly.

"I'm good Liam, thanks though."

"But Niall, you love food."

"I told you guys I'm not feeling too well. I'm not hungry at all."

"Oh come on Ni, please don't be a party pooper today. We're trying to have some fun," said Louis.

"I'm actually feeling sick guys. I'm serious."

"Whatever," said all the boys at once.

We got into the car and made our way to the first interview. I made it through the 2 interviews we had. I was progressively feeling worse. I was weaker by the minute and felt like passing out. After the interviews I walked out before the other boys and got myself into the back of the car. The others came soon after and gave me annoyed looks.

Suddenly, Louis' phone rang.

"Hello? Oh, ok, ok, alright, thanks I'll let them know. Bye!"

"Boys, the concert has been cancelled due to technical issues. Apparently from the storm last night, the roof leaked and water got all over the equipment. It may be up to a month before we can do another concert. Everyone got refunds for their tickets."

"Wow!" Said Harry.

"That's insane!" Said Liam.

We got back home and I went to the couch, feeling more like passing out than before. The boys came and sat down next to me on the couch.

"Niall seriously quit faking. We don't have to do the concert. You got out of it. Now you can quit the act," said Liam.

I sighed and went up to my room. I couldn't believe the boys were acting like this. They usually baby me and never let me go if I'm sick. They usually act like it's the end of the world. They never get mad at me and accuse me of faking. I layed down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I woke the next morning, only to find that I feel worse. I sat up and the whole room spun around 3 or 4 times. I waited for the dizziness to pass and went to the bathroom. I could already tell I was going to puke. I leaned over the toilet as I started to gag. I gagged and retched loudly. Then, all of it came up. I sat there for a good 10 minutes just throwing my guts up.

I left the bathroom and went to meet the boys in the living room. I sat down next to them and they all gave me annoyed looks.
"Niall, were going to the park today for a picnic and you can't fake your way out of it," said Liam.


All the boys looked at him in shock as Niall started crying and ran upstairs.

"Maybe were too harsh on him, maybe he is actually sick," said harry.

"I don't know harry I think he just wants attention." Said Liam. They went upstairs to tell Niall to get his stuff and get in the car.

The whole car ride there, Niall didn't speak to the other guys, and they didn't speak to him either. They got to the park and set out their stuff for lunch. Niall made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and cut it in half. He started eating, but felt way too nauseous to eat any more.

"Guys," He said. He was afraid he was about to throw up everywhere.

"Shut it Niall, no one wants to hear it." Said Louis.

So Niall kept quiet and leaned back against a tree. He shut his eyes and before he knew it, he was drifting off to sleep. He woke with a sudden gasp feeling a hand touch his shoulder. It was Harry.

"Mm, Harry?"

"Yes it's me Ni. You were sweating in your sleep and making noises. I figured you were uncomfortable and I'd wake you up. You okay?"

"No-I, never mind I'm okay."

"Niall you can tell me what's wrong. I believe you. I was only pretending not to cause the other guys. And you look awfully sick."

"Ok. Thanks for believing me. I," He stopped and stared ahead blankly for a few moments.

"What Niall what's wrong?"

Niall suddenly lurched forward and threw up all over the grass. He kept heaving and throwing up more and more. He cried out in pain and then everything went black.

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