Ashton Anxiety Part 2

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Ashton's POV

I made my way over to the recording studio. I noticed my hands were shaking the entire way there. My breathing was coming in pants. When I parked my car, I just sat there for a few minutes. I couldn't seem to catch my breath. It felt like something bad was gonna happen to me.

I tried to collect myself as I walked into the studio. When it came time for me to record, I shakily walked into the booth. I started to sing and was not doing too well.

"What's going on Ashton?" Asked a member of management.

"I.. I... Uh... Sorry!" I stuttered and ran out of the room. I ran to the bathroom and started breathing fast again. I didn't know what was happening to me. I felt like I was dying. Next thing I knew, my favorite member of management, Paul, came into the bathroom.

"Hey, hey buddy, relax. You're okay."

"Why do I feel like I'm dying!" I yelled.

"Ashton, I know what this is. It's called a panic attack. I think you may have anxiety. Have you had any other symptoms?"

"Well I've had headaches and get shaky sometimes and nervous."

"Alright. I'm going to call the boys and me and you are going to see a doctor."

I ended up being diagnosed with anxiety. I had pills I needed to take for it. It has been about a month and I was feeling better. The anxiety won't go away, but with the help of the medicine and the boys, I will be just fine.

***Sorry it's short guys. What should I write next?***

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