Calum Sick But Dad Doesn't Believe (Teenager)

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Calum: age 14

(Calum's POV)
I was at school, and it was the last hour of the day. Over the past few classes, I have developed a pretty bad headache. I felt so tired and weak. I was just sitting here in math with my paper and pencil on my desk. I was staring at the questions, but couldn't even get myself to think about the equations and all the work I'd have to do to get this done. I'm always a good student and my teacher was noticing that I wasn't working. He walked over to me.

"Hey Calum, why isn't there any work being done? You're always doing your work."

"Idk, I can't focus," I said honestly.

His face grew more concerned. "What's wrong?"

"I don't feel to well sir. I have a pretty bad headache and can't think straight."

"Oh I see. I'm sure this bright lighting at school doesn't help either. Let me take this worksheet, and I'll give it to you on a day when you're feeling well enough to do it. You won't have to worry about homework tonight."


"You're welcome. I would have you go to the nurse, but there's only 20 minutes left of school. But feel free to walk out if you're feeling really bad. I'll give you permission to lay your head down too."

"Thanks so much Mr. Wilson, you're my favorite teacher."

"Thanks Calum, just doing the best I can to help my students."

He even made an announcement to the class for me.

"Listen up class! Our student Calum has got a bad headache. Let's keep it quiet in here for him. Thank you."

He's such a nice teacher.

The end of class came, and everyone rushed out. I went to get up, but felt far too dizzy and weak to stand. "Ugh," I groaned, and sat back down.

Mr. Wilson walked over to me.

"Hey Calum, class is over. You alright?"

"I don't know sir. I tried to get up, but I'm too dizzy and weak."

"Let me help you," He said, and grabbed my arms to help support my weight. He walked me down the hall, and I eventually got my balance. I thanked him for his kindness by offering him 20 dollars, but he declined immediately, saying he did this out of common courtesy. I hopped into the passenger seat of my dads car, and was silent, leaning my head against the window, until he spoke.

"How was school today Cal?"


"You work tonight?"

I totally forgot that I am supposed to work from 6-midnight tonight. Ugh.

"Yeah, but Dad?"


"I think I should call in tonight. I don't feel great. My head has been pounding like crazy for 3 hours, and my teacher had to walk me down the hall after school cause I was so dizzy."

"Cal. Please don't fake to get out of work. You haven't missed one day yet, don't start now."

"But Dad..."

"No buts Calum Hood, you will be going to work and that is final."

I sighed, and leaned against the window again, wishing my headache would at least lighten up a little.

When we arrived home, I got ready for work. J showered, did my hair, and put on my uniform. I had 2 hours yet until work. I figured I'd take some pain medication for my head, and take a quick nap to try and feel better. Luckily, my dad didn't notice me taking pills, cause he would've taken them and told me to stop "faking."

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