Liam Chest Pain

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*Liam's POV*
I woke up at some random point in the night and was sweating profusely. I remembered the past events from the night. We had done a concert and it was a very energetic one. Might explain why I'm so exhausted. Somehow I still couldn't get back to sleep.

I decided to go downstairs to get some water, but when I stood up, I felt a discomfort in my chest. I put my hand up to my chest and rubbed it, trying to massage the pain away. The pain left, and I made my walk to the kitchen. I shrugged off the pain, knowing I'm probably sore from the concert. I got my water and suddenly felt too weak to walk up the stairs. I decided to plop down on the couch for the rest of the night.

*Harry's POV*
I woke up at around 9 am and decided to get up and make breakfast. The first thing I noticed when I walked downstairs was Liam laying on the couch fast asleep. I thought that was a bit weird, but didn't think much of it. I grabbed a blanket to cover him up, then went to start breakfast. I decided on making eggs and bacon. Once I had finished, I saw Louis and Niall walk down.

"Oh my God FOOD!" Niall practically yelled and ran to the table. Louis and I just laughed at his childish behavior.  Louis also sat down and I made them both plates, piling Niall's high with bacon, knowing he would want a lot. Then I walked to the living room to wake up Liam.

"Liam. Liammmm," I said quietly not to startle him. He started to open his eyes and looked up at me.

"Hey Li, breakfast is ready."

"Mmm, Haz?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you think that maybe you could get me a hot water bottle?"

I frowned at that.

"Sure Li. What's wrong?"

"Chest hurts," he groaned.

Now I became somewhat worried.

"I'll be right back Li, just try to relax."

I walked back to the kitchen to inform the others on the situation.

"Guys, Li says his chest hurts and asked me to get a hot water bottle."

"Don't worry too much Haz he is probably getting a cold."


I walked back to the living room, handing the bottle to Liam. He instantly held it against his chest.

"So uh Liam. Are you feeling sick?"

"I don't know. I woke up this morning at like 1 and my chest hurt and I was sweating so I came to get water but felt too weak to go back upstairs."

"We should probably take you to the doctor Li."

"No I'm fine," he said.

"Alright but let me know if it gets worse."

He nodded his head and tried going back to sleep. I went back to the kitchen to eat.

"How's Li?" Asked Louis.

"I'm not sure. He's not sick he's just in pain and weak. He said he was up last night and his chest hurt and he came down here for water and was too weak to go back upstairs. I said we should go to the doctor but he's stubborn and said he's fine."

"Don't worry too much Haz. He will let us know if it gets bad. Just relax and eat with us."

I got myself a plate and ate, willing myself to calm down. After everyone was done, I did the dishes and went upstairs to lay down for a bit. The guys asked me if I wanted to play video games, but I said no. I was just worried about Liam.

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