Michael Stomachache Part 2

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Luke's POV

Michael could barely tell us he felt like passing out before he fell to the floor.

"Michael can you hear me?" Said Calum. He didn't move.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Said Calum in a frantic voice.

I started feeling myself panic and couldnt breathe. "Luke go sit in the bathroom and try to calm down. We can handle this." Said Ash.

I went into the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. I was sweating like mad. I just couldn't understand how Michael having a stomachache led to him fainting.

A few minutes later I heard the sirens. I heard medics telling the other boys to stay clear of the area, while they put him on the gurney and wheeled him away. Ashton walked in the bathroom where I was stood leaning against the sink taking deep breaths.

"Hey hud, you alright? We gotta get in the car and go over to the hospital." He said calmly.

"Yeah I'm good. Sorry I'm just worried about Mikey."

"He will be fine Luke, probably just dehydrated."

Ashton walked me into the other room where the others were packing a bag to leave. We all shuffled out to the van to go to the hospital. Once we arrived, we were told to sit in the waiting room until they knew more about Michael's condition. About 20 minutes later, a doctor walked out.

"Family for Michael Clifford!" He called.

We all got up and walked over to him.

"So, Michael has a case of the stomach flu, which led him to being dehydrated. Has Michael thrown up at all?"

"No," said Ashton.

"Well that means Michael has not drank enough water recently. Even though he didn't lose any fluids, the bug knocked him down hard due to being dehydrated. He is now on IV fluids, but we can release him I'm 2 hours if he is doing well. You will have to make sure he drinks more water, even after the bug is gone."

"Thank you doctor," replied Ashton.

"You guys can come to his room now."

*Michael's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes to see a bright light around me. I heard a distinct beeping sound. I was in a hospital. But why? I couldn't recall anything happening. All I remember was feeling sick and leaving the interview station. Oh shit! I must have passed out. The boys must be so worried. Speaking of the boys, when i fully got adjusted to the light, I saw all 3 of the boys next to me.

"Hey Mikey," said Calum.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You were sick and passed out when we got back to the hotel. The doctor said you were dehydrated. You really scared us bud, especially Luke," he said.

"Sorry guys. Are you okay Luke?"

"Yeah but I had a panic attack." He said.

"I'm so sorry. I guess I need to drink more water."

"It's okay Mikey," said Luke.

The doctor walked in after. .

"Ah Michael, you're awake! You gave your friends quite a scare! You have a case of the stomach flu, and even though you didn't throw up or have diarrhea, your body didn't have enough water to help fight off the infection. You will probably start puking in the next few hours since your bug just started, but we put an IV in so you will be hydrated through the night. We can let you go once it's over. Remember to keep drinking water. Preferably 8 glasses a day."

"Thanks doc," I said.

So about an hour later I was allowed to be discharged. The boys helped me to the van, where we went to the motel. I started being sick after about 2 hours, and was sick for 3 more days. I remembered to drink water so that wouldn't happen again.

The next day after I was better, luke came into my room.

"Mikey, I don't feel well," he said.

Oh great.....

*Sorry this wasn't much, could not get many ideas in mind. My next chapter will be a request of Liam being 17 with a stomach bug.*

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