Lukes Kid Sick (Part 1)

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Luke's kid- Tyler: age 16

Ever since his mom passed away, Tyler has been more distanced from others, even his father. He always wanted to be alone in his room. When he went to school, he'd come straight home and go to his room. He never went out with friends. He never did anything other than listen to blaring music. His dad worried, and was thinking about counseling. The idea started becoming a reality, because Tyler was starting to fake sick and not go to school often. He wouldn't tell his dad why, but he told his dad he just couldn't handle school if he ever got caught in the lie. This morning however, was not one of those mornings.

Tyler's POV

I woke up feeling sicker than ever. My stomach was in knots and it burned. My head was throbbing, and I was nauseous. I knew that my dad would not believe me today, because I just faked being sick last week and he caught me. I figured maybe it wouldn't hurt to try though. I heard footsteps, and I buried myself under the covers to make it look worse than it really was.

"Hey bud, I see that you're awake already. Why don't you get dressed and meet me downstairs for breakfast."

"Dad," I groaned.

"What's up?"

"I feel sick, and before you say I'm lying, I really truly do feel awful."

"Ty, I know something at school is bothering you and you don't wanna go. Please talk to me about it tonight. You need to go and get a good education. I'm sorry. Please hurry and come downstairs before we are late."

"Fine," I said, giving in. I figured I couldn't argue anymore or he'd get mad and that's the last thing I wanted.

I got ready and walked down the stairs slowly, feeling very nauseous. I sat down at the kitchen table and sipped my juice. There was a plate of eggs and sausage in front of me, but I could hardly even look at it without gagging.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He asked.

"I told you, I really don't feel well."

"Please drop the act Tyler," he said.

With that, I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I waited patiently for my best friend Michael to come get me. When he pulled up, I got in his car, and we drove off. He started to make conversation.

"Morning Ty, what's up, you don't look so good."

"I don't feel so good," I replied.

"Why didn't you stay home then?"

"My Dad thought I was faking since I faked last week and have been constantly faking."

"Well, he has a point, but still he should see that you truly look awful."

"I'll be okay," I said, not sure if i was trying to convince him, or myself.

I ended up making It through half the day before I couldn't take it any longer. I got to lunch, and plopped myself down at the first empty table I could find. I was so weak and hot and nauseous. I waited for Michael, hoping he'd see me instead of going to our usual table. Luckily, he found me quickly.

"Why aren't you at our spot?"

"I'm too weak to walk right now. I wanna go home. It's like 90 degrees in here."

"Come on, we're going to the nurse."

I was about to hesitate, being that my dad won't believe me, but with how bad I was feeling, I didn't. I let him basically drag me to the nurses office.

"What seems to be the problem today boys?" Asked nurse Ashley. She's very nice.

"Well, Tyler here hasn't been feeling well all morning. He says he's hot and nauseous. His dad didn't believe him this morning."

"Okay Tyler, I'm going to take your temperature."

She stuck the thermometer in my mouth. When it beeped, she took it out and read, "102.3." She called my dad, letting him know I was not faking. I suddenly got nauseous, and I knew I was gonna throw up.

"Can I please have a trash bin? Gonna be sick," I said as I felt it rising in my chest and throat.

The kind nurse handed me the trash and I instantly threw up forcefully. It took all my energy, and I laid down, waiting for my dad to come. I woke up to him saying, "come on ty, let's get you home to rest." I didn't stay awake for long as he carried me to the car. Last thing I remember before falling into a light sleep, was him whispering "I love you," and shutting the car door.

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