Calum- Broken Ankle Part 2

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It was about a month later and Calum was starting to worry about his ankle. He did everything the doctor said but it was still not healing properly. The doctor said the bones were aligned and looking good, but he was still in so much pain. The boys refuse to believe him because they think he is just trying to keep getting all of the attention. So he started to pretend that it was fine and he secretly put ice on it when no one was around. He snuck painkillers every chance he could. He had no choice but to walk on his throbbing ankle because if he limped, one of the guys would tell him to quit faking. He just wished someone would notice how swollen and bruised his ankle was still.

It was a Friday morning when the guys had off of work and decided to go on a hike up in the mountains about 2 hours north. Calum was not excited. The night before he came up with a plan. He decided he could try to fake sick so he could stay home and rest his poor foot. How sad is it that he would have to fake sick just to stay home because he was injured and everyone thought that was fake too.

He prepped that night by telling the guys he wasn't hungry at dinner anf he went upstairs to his room. Lucky for him, his room had a personal thermostat and he cranked it to the hottest setting. He layed there for an hour in the heat before Liam came up to say goodnight.

"Oh my god Calum it is so hot in here why do you have the heat on!"

"I don't know I'm freezing!" He lied.

"Do you feel okay?"

"No not really."

Liam decided to check his temperature and it read 100.5. Just barely a fever but Calum was definitely sick he thought.

He told Calum to rest and that he would see how he is in the morning.

Calum tried to keep the scorching heat up all night, but he was just too hot and turned it down. He figured he would just tell Liam he got hot in the night.

The next morning, Liam came to check on Calum again and told him it would be best for him to stay at home. Harry offered to stay with him, but Calum refused saying he didn't want to ruin the fun. In reality he just wanted to be alone to care for his ankle. He had already scheduled a 12 pm doctor visit to get it checked out again. The boys were leaving at 11, so it was perfect.

Calum had passed out and woke up around 11:30 and realised the boys were gone and that he had to get going to his appointment. He got his things and went into his closet to grab the crutches that he had used before. He couldn't use them around the boys because they would tell him to quit the act. He hopped out to the car and made his way to the doctors office.

Shortly after checking in, a doctor came out to get him. He introduced himself and did a thorough exam on Calum's ankle.

"Well Calum. Your xrays seem to show everything being okay, but seeing how tender your ankle is and how swollen it is, I am going to give you another xray, and if that comes back normal, an MRI. Is that okay? Calum nodded and the doctor wheeled him in a wheelchair to the radiology department. Once the xrays were done, they decided to send Calum for an MRI right away just in case and to save time rather than waiting to see the xrays. That was a good choice, because the Xrays came back clear, but the MRI did not.

"Hello Calum, I have got your MRI results back. I have some good news and some bad news. Good news is that your xrays are normal, bad news is that you have a torn tendon in there that we didn't catch when you first came in. Since it is torn completely in half, it did not heal like the bones did. We will have to repair it with surgery. Now, we have a few options. We can pick a date and time for this, or we could do it now. It should take approximately an hour if it works the way we plan.

"I think I should get it done now because my band mates don't believe me."

"Alright that is fine. You will be here all day, and we will call them to reassure that you are not faking. I know it's easy for people to think you just want attention if you've been injured for so long, but this is not your fault."

The doctor prepped Calum and sent him off to the operating room.

He called the person on Calum's emergency contact list, who was Liam.

"Hello?" Answered Liam.

"Hello Liam. This is Dr. H from Hill View hospital, I have Calum here being seen for his ankle."

"Seriously? He went as far as going to the hospital because he wants some attention?"

"Liam I can reassure you this is not his fault. You see, when I examined him, he was in a lot of pain and his ankle was very swollen still. I took a new xray but that came back fine. I also did an MRI. It came back showing a torn tendon that was not known when he broke his ankle. Long story short, he is in surgery now."

"Oh my god I feel so guilty. Is he going to be alright?"

"Yes he will be fine. He just will need to stay here a few hours after surgery to make sure he is doing alright and then will need to be in a new splint then cast for about another month."

"Thanks doctor. We will be on our way in a bit. We should be there around 5 as we are a few hours away."

"Okay sounds good."

Liam felt so bad about thinking Calum was faking for attention. It all came together. Calum faked sick to stay home from the hike. He felt so dumb. Of course Calum wanted to get out of the hike because he could barely walk and he felt that none of them would believe him. Gosh they were such idiots. He informed the others and they packed up getting ready to head back.

Part 3 will be soon. I can't think anymore for tonight. Sorry!

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