Larry- Harry Seriously Ill (Part 1)

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Hey guys! So my thumb hasn't really healed much, but I've had issues getting to the orthopedics so I'm just going to try to write while it's not bothering me too much like now. This sickfic just is something for you all to read for now, the next one will be a request from months ago that I never did. Sorry for slacking, but requests will get done. After the requests I have get done, I will allow more.

Harry woke up at around 7 a.m. He immediately realised he felt sick. His head was pounding, his stomach was on fire, and he felt super hot.

He reached over to wake Louis up, only to find the space next to him was empty. He figured Louis must be making breakfast, so he just kicked the covers off of him and layed there.

After a few minutes, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and felt relieved that Louis was coming back.

Louis walked in the room to see Harry awake.

"Hey Haz, you're awake! How's my hazzybear (don't judge lol) doing today?"

Harry groaned.

"You alright?" Asked Louis.

"Lou, I feel awful."

"Awe baby what's going on?"

"My head hurts and my stomach hurts and I'm so hot," he whined.

"Come downstairs with me, it's cold down there. You'll cool down." He said and felt my forehead.

"You have a fever, I'll have to find the thermometer."

Louis helped Harry get up, and walked him slowly down the stairs. He got Harry set up on the couch with a light blanket, a glass of water, some pain meds, and a sick bucket. Then he went to get the thermometer.

When he came back, Harry had already fallen asleep. He figured he would just take his temperature once he woke up.

After about an hour, Harry started to move around, then suddenly jolted up and threw up all over himself.

"Oh Haz," said Louis.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" He cried.

"It's okay."

Louis was just about to help Harry get up to shower, when Harry grabbed the bucket and threw up again. He rubbed Harry's back to soothe him through the process.

Louis realised that Harry probably wasn't in the right state to shower yet, so he gently pulled off his shirt and threw it in the washer.

He walked back in the living room only to see Harry on the floor on his hands and knees, violently puking and shaking.

"Harry! Are you okay? Why are you on the floor?"

"Lou..don't feel....right..." He mumbled.

Louis lifted Harry up and sat him back on the couch. He knew Harry's temperature had to be very high. He ran into the kitchen to get a cold rag, and gently layed it on Harry's forehead.



"I need to go to the bathroom. It's my stomach!" He cried out.

"Oh Haz come on let's get up it's alright."

But as soon as Louis lifted him off the couch, Harry started having an accident. Then he suddenly retched and threw up all over Louis and himself. He started to cry and apologize. Louis reassured him that it was okay and that he wasn't mad.

"Okay I think we need to get you in the shower now."

"Yeah," Harry said weakly.

They started walking, but then Harry grabbed on to Louis' shirt and collapsed.

Alright sorry about this. I am running out of ideas for this one, and I need to get some sleep for school tomorrow. I will make part 2 tomorrow.

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