Luke- Epilepsy

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Request by @Stuckin_Wonderland04

Luke woke up early in the morning with a headache. He had been forgetting to take his medicine for the past few days, and it's been taking a toll on his body. He got diagnosed with epilepsy a few months ago, when he was home visiting his parents. He had a seizure and had to be taken to the hospital. He has been keeping it a secret from the boys, because he doesn't want to worry them or be a burden.

He decided to get up and get dressed since they had a concert tonight. His head started pounding when he stood, but he tried his best to ignore it. He finally remembered he needed to take his medicine today. He went into his drawer, and he panicked when he couldn't find his bottle of medicine. He searched around the room a little bit, before finally giving up. He didn't have time for this. He figured he would last one more day of not taking his meds. What was the worst that could happen?

He was happy that he had his own place separate from the others because they wont find his medicine anywhere and question him about it. He hasn't had a seizure since the first time, and he was glad for that. He had a weird feeling about today though. He wasn't too sure if he would make it through the concert.

He got in the shower and finished getting ready. He grabbed a granola bar, and headed off to the concert venue to meet the other boys there.

When he pulled up, he got out of his car and walked inside, seeing everyone else already there.

"Hey Luke!" They all said.

"Hi guys," Luke said and smiled.

"We have to go and do sound check now so use the bathroom and get a drink if you need to." Ashton said.

Luke went and got a quick drink of water and then followed them all into the room for sound check. He was up first, and management said he did great, and then they moved to Michael. Michael did great too. Calum and Ashton also did great. That was one of the first times they have ever completed sound check that fast and smoothly. Since that went fast, they had an extra 2 hours of free time before the concert.

Unfortunately for Luke, he only started to feel worse. He slowly made his way over to the giant couch in the lounge room and layed down. Michael took notice of this.

"Luke are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just tired."

"Okay if you're sure."

"Yes Mikey thanks for asking."

Michael decided to go join Calum and Ashton playing video games in the room next door. They left Luke to sleep for a while. They all agreed that Luke looked pretty beat, and were hoping he was alright.

"Guys do you think he's sick?" Asked Calum.

"I think if he was sick he would have told us," said Ashton.

"I don't know he seemed a bit off," said Michael.

"Just don't worry about it for now. We will see how he acts when he wakes up," said Ashton.

Luke didn't end up waking up. Ashton was surprised when it was 10 minutes before going on stage and he found Luke still sound asleep on the couch.

"Luke buddy. I'm sorry but you gotta wake up we need to get on stage."

"Huh. Already?" Luke asked, feeling like he got 5 minutes of sleep.

"Yes you have been asleep for an hour and 50 minutes."

"Okay. Go on stage I will be out in a second."

Ashton frowned, noticing Luke not getting up very fast like usual.

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