Luke's Kid- Birthday Sickness

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*I decided to write a birthday one because today is my birthday. I'm finally 18!*

Luke woke up excited for the day. It was his 18th Birthday today. He got out of bed fast and went to shower and brush his teeth. It wasn't until he was in the shower that he noticed he had an awful feeling in his stomach. He brushed it off to being anxiety because he's an adult now. He finished showering and put on a loose T shirt and some jeans. He then brushed his teeth and went downstairs.

"Happy birthday Luke!" Shouted his dad, who then engulfed him in a hug.

"Thanks dad!"

"Sit down, I'm making you pancakes for breakfast."


Luke mentally groaned. He loved pancakes but today he just didn't feel like eating was a good idea. He hoped he wasn't getting sick. Not on his birthday of all days. His dad brought him a heaping plate with like 6 pancakes and tons of strawberries and another plate full of bacon and sausage. Luke's stomach had calmed down a bit and he felt his appetite coming back. It must have been the power of the bacon and sausage. He suddenly felt hungry and devoured his food down. He managed to eat all of his pancakes and quite a bit of sausage and bacon before finally feeling stuffed. He thanked his dad for the amazing food and then went upstairs to play his video game for a little while.

While he was sitting there, he noticed his stomach had started churning again, only this time it was violent. He got up and ran into his bathroom fast. He kneeled down and started throwing up all his breakfast. After about 10 minutes of throwing up then another 5 of dry heaving, he felt like he was done. He brushed his teeth for the second time that day and went to his bed. He curled up into a ball and tried to go to sleep.

A short while later, his dad came upstairs to see what he was up to. He walked up and noticed Luke fast asleep. Hm that's odd, he thought. Luke usually is up and motivated especially on his birthday. He gently shook him awake.

"Luke bud. Wake up. Don't you want to be up for when everyone arrives for your party?"

"Huh yeah sorry dad I was just tired after eating all that delicious food," he lied. Not that the food wasn't good, he just didn't wanna admit he got sick. He didn't want to ruin his party and let everyone who was coming down.

"Okay bud meet me downstairs in 10 minutes that is when people should start arriving."
Luke nodded his head but ended up falling right back to sleep.

He was jolted awake when his best friends Michael, Calum, and Ashton got there and jumped on his bed.

"Guys please don't," he whined.

"What's wrong Luke?" Asked Michael.

"I don't feel good please get me the trash bin."

Michael rushed over to grab the trash and handed it to Luke who started throwing up for the second time that day.

"Damn bud let it out," said Ashton, rubbing his back while he kept puking.

He finished and layed back down.

"I am going to tell your dad your sick Luke. I know you don't want him to know, but he needs to." Said Calum.

Calum ventured downstairs out onto the porch where Luke's dad was standing.

"Mr. Hemmings?"

"Oh hi Calum what's up?"

"Luke isn't feeling good he threw up."

"Really? He was fine this morning."

"No he hasn't felt good all day and threw up earlier too but was afraid to tell you."

He sighed and walked up to Luke's room with Calum.

He saw Luke vomiting yet again into his trash can.

"Luke bud are you okay?"

"I feel...*gag* so sick."

Luke's dad then went to get the thermometer. He stuck it into Luke's mouth and waited for the beep. When it beeped, it read 101.6.
He sighed again and told Luke to stay in bed. His dad went downstairs and told everyone that Luke was sick and they all felt bad and they planned the party for another day once Luke was better. The boys all stayed to help Luke feel better but sadly they ended up catching his bug a few days later.

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