Niall- No one believes

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Niall woke up with an intense migraine. He picked up his phone to see that it was 8am. He got up and went to the bathroom. He noticed that his face was awfully pale and that his eyes looked like he hadn't slept in years. He slowly trudged his way back into his bedroom and closed the door. He closed the curtains on the window and got back into bed. That didn't last long though, as about 5 minutes later he heard someone open the door.

"Niall what the hell! You need to get up!" Shouted Liam.

"What...why?" Niall asked, exhausted.

"Oh my god Niall because we have an interview in an hour!"

"Uh shit I'm sorry Li, I wasn't thinking. I think I'm gonna sit this one out I feel awful."

"Seriously Niall, you're going to fake sick on today of all days! You know that today is an important interview. We also have autograph signings to do after!"

"But Liam I'm not lying I have a horrible migraine."

"Niall get your ass out of bed and get down here! If you aren't down here dressed and ready in 10 minutes I will drag you out of bed!"

And with that, Liam walked out and slammed the door behind him.

Niall groaned wondering why Liam was being such a dick today. He listened closely to the sound of the guys talking and knew right away that it was about him. Great now they all think he's faking. He slowly got up and picked out some jeans and a hoodie. He walked to the bathroom for the second time that day and brushed his teeth and combed his hair. He could care less about making sure it looks good. He made his way downstairs to find the guys staring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Niall cut the crap we all know you're faking," said Louis.

"Yeah," Harry chimed in.

Niall just shook his head and walked out the door making his way to the car before any of the guys. He sat patiently in the back and leaned his head against the cool window. He definately had a fever. He was just starting to doze off, when all the guys came and got in the car, not even caring about how loud they were being.

"Hey can you guys please be quiet?" Asked Niall, "My head is killing."

They all rolled their eyes and went back to being loud. Niall just grabbed his earbuds and put them in to try and block out the sound. He leaned against the window once again, this time falling asleep.

It was a half an hour later when they arrived at the studio for their interview. Harry had noticed Niall fast asleep and shook him awake.

"Come on Niall get up we need to go."

Niall slowly opened his eyes and suddenly felt overwhelmingly nauseous.

"Please Harry can I stay in here I really don't feel good. My head is throbbing and I feel like I'm going to puke."

"No Niall come on quit it!"

Niall mentally groaned and got out of the car. He really wasn't enjoying the amount of disrespect he was receiving from then today. When they got inside, he instantly layed down on the couch.

"No Niall we need to start the interview in 5 minutes!" Shouted Louis.

Niall whimpered and pulled himself up. He followed the boys into the room for the interview. They all sat down and waited for the interviewer to come in. Eventually she did.

"Hello boys! I am Melissa and I will be interviewing you today!" She greeted cheerfully.

They had roughly a 30 minute interview, and once the camera turned off, Niall got up and went running to the bathroom. He made his way into the first stall and started violently puking. Once he stopped, he leaned against the side of the stall, not caring how unsanitary it was. He just felt awful and wanted to go back home. He left the bathroom and went out to the lounge area where he found the boys all waiting for him.

"Niall what the hell! You can't just run out like that!" Shouted Harry.

"Guys I ran out because I had to puke but thanks for being concerned."

"Yeah yeah let's go. Management said the signing is canceled for today, so you can cut the act we are going home."

*Nialls Point of view*

I was so glad that the signing was canceled because I was seriously about to pass out. I can't believe the others won't believe me. Hopefully they will see that I'm actually sick once they get home and I don't "cut the act." On the car ride back I noticed my lower stomach start bubbling. Great just what I need, diarrhea. I realised there was still about 10 minutes until we would get back and hoped to God I would make it until then. I clenched hard trying to stop it from coming out. My stomach cramped and gurgled in protest, and I knew I needed to say something.

"Guys can we please stop at a bathroom, my stomach hurts I really need to go."

"No Niall we are almost home quit this!" Yelled Liam.

"Please!" I whined


Niall whimpered and closed his eyes trying to fight back the urge to let go and ruin the seat. He felt so gross and was so angry and sad that no one cared. Finally they made it home and. Niall practically jumped out and ran inside, darting to the bathroom. He turned on the fan quickly and pulled down his jeans barely making it onto the toilet. His stomach cramped and cramped as he released the sickness inside of him. He was sweating and reached over to the drawer to pull out the thermometer. He stuck it in his mouth and waited. Once it beeped, he took it out and it read "102.7." He groaned and set it down. He cleaned himself up and washed his hands. He rinsed the thermometer and stuck it back into the drawer. He then made his way into his bedroom, grabbing the small trash by his door to set next to his bed. He stripped off his sweaty clothes, and put some clean boxers on. He climbed into bed and layed there wishing to feel better.

Meanwhile, the other guys had brought everything inside being that Niall had ran from them. They were so pissed off that Niall was acting so childish.

Harry was actually starting to become quite concerned. Niall usually wouldn't act like this. Especially not after they were already home. He slowly went into Nialls room to see the trash bin next to his bed and his clothes spread out on the floor. He looked over at Niall and found him sleeping. He knew right then and there that Niall was sick. He wouldn't be keeping a trash next to him if he wasn't. He walked over to Niall and carefully placed a hand on his forehead trying not to wake him in the process. His head was burning with fever. Harry sighed and knew they had fucked up. He didn't think the others would care if he tried convincing them, so he kept it to himself and made a little bed on the floor next to Niall and layed down. He wanted his friend to be okay.

A short while later, Niall woke up abruptly from a nightmare. He ripped his covers off, sweating profusely. His whole body was wet and shiny from how much he was sweating. He looked over surprised to see Harry laying on the ground next to his bed. He gently woke him.

"Harry why are you in here?" He asked.

"I noticed you had your trash by you and felt your head and you're burning hot. I knew something was off and I'm going to take care of you."

Hearing that made Niall cry. He was relieved that someone was here for him.

After a while, the others came around and believed him. They felt so guilty and they secretly made plans to make it up to Niall once he was better.

A few days later Niall was back to normal, and the boys surprised him with a trip to the waterpark nearby. Niall forgave them and was happy to have such amazing friends.

Sorry for the short ending, hope you guys liked it! I haven't updated in so long!

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