Young Liam, Stomach Bug

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Request by ilangel1
Liam is 17 in this. Harry and Louis are his parents. He gets a stomach bug but hides it from his parents thinking he can handle it on his own.

*Liam's POV*

When I came home from school I had a slight headache. I figured it was the stress from math class. I set my bag on the table, and went to the kitchen to find dad and Pop.

"Hey bud, how was school?" Asked dad.

"It was alright, the usual," I said as I pulled out a chair and sat at the table. I lowered my head down against the cool table top.

"What's wrong?" Asked dad.

"Just tired, did a lot of math today." I said, not thinking it mattered if he knew about my headache. In reality it's just a headache. I'm 17, I can handle a little headache.

"Why don't you go take a nap then and me or pop will wake you up for dinner." He said.

"Okay sounds good," I replied.

I walked upstairs to my room and crawled into bed. I realised I was too hot, so I took off my jeans and shirt. I got back into bed and left the covers off me, feeling too tired to care if anyone saw me like that. Within minutes I drifted off to sleep. 

*Harry's P.O.V.*

When Liam arrived home from school, he didn't look the greatest. He said that he was just tired so I brushed it off thinking he probably did just have a rough day at school. When dinner was ready, I walked upstairs to wake him.

"Liam, bud you need to wake up," I said.

"What why dad?" he replied.

"Dinner is ready love."

"Oh, okay sorry. I was really tired."

I chuckled, "It's okay bud. Just meet us downstairs when you're ready." 

Liam's P.O.V.*

When dad woke me up I was totally out of it. I forgot all about dinner. I wasn't even feeling up to eating. My headache ended up being worse than when I first went to sleep, and I had a slight stomachache. I figured I was just nervous for tomorrow. Tomorrow was the mile run at school. Ugh. 

I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I saw my dad had made spaghetti for dinner. I sat at the table and took a scoop of the nausea inducing pasta. Any other day it would sound amazing, but tonight I just wasn't feeling well at all. Again, I brushed it off as nerves. I started slowly eating. Nobody really seemed to notice how slow I was eating. I noticed Pops was not in the kitchen. 



"Where's Pops?" I asked.

"He has a work trip tomorrow and spent the night at his coworker's house."

"Oh okay."

We continued eating. Sometimes it felt off to be an only child in the family. I had no one to converse with at the dinner table. Just me and my 2 dads. But it also felt nice to have my own room and own stuff. Once I had finished, dad collected my plate. 

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