Michael Stomachache

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It was 1:30 in the morning and Michael woke up. He couldn't pin point what woke him up. He sat up and instantly felt his stomach start hurting. He groaned. Now was not the time to be sick. They had 2 interviews and a concert in the morning. He decided to get up and get a glass of water and some stomach relaxers. The water ended up just making his stomach hurt worse. He made his way back up to bed, and crawled under the nice warm sheets.

The next time Michael woke, it was due to Luke jumping on his bunk.
"Wake up sleepy head! Interview is in 2 hours!" Michael groaned, feeling the ache now turn to a churning feeling. "Okay I'm up Luke."

Luke ran downstairs back to the others. Michael sat up feeling worse than ever. He got up and went to shower and change. He met all the boys at the table once he was done.

"Michael eat fast. We gotta leave in 10," said Ashton.

"Not hungry," he mumbled.

"Alright then let's go guys!" Ashton hollared to Calum and Luke.

When they got into the van, Luke noticed that Michael had already fallen asleep. He didn't look very good.

"Hey guys?"

"Yeah Luke?" They said.

"Does Michael look a little off to you? I mean he is already asleep."

"He probably just stayed up late. We can keep an eye on hin though." Said Calum.

Luke layed Michael's head on his shoulder, assuming it wasn't very comfortable for Michael's head to be on the window.

Once they arrived to the interview place, Luke woke Michael up.

"Hey Mikey, you gotta get up," he said lightly.

Michael groaned. "I don't feel well Lukey."

"I kind of assumed that bud. But we gotta do the interviews. Maybe Paul will let you sit out, not sure though. Sorry bud.

Michael trudged behind the boys, nausea steadily growing inside him. Once he walked inside, he immediately went to find a couch to lay down on. He curled up, and the boys came following.

"Damn Mike, are you okay?" Asked Ashton.

"Nausous," he replied.

"Need a bucket?"


That was all Ashton needed to hear before he ran to find a trash or bucket. He found a hallway trash can before anything else and shoved it next to his bandmate.

After about 5 minutes, Paul walked in the room. He instantly noticed the way Michael was curled on the sofa with the trash next to him.

"He okay?"

"No, he doesn't feel well at all," said Calum.

"Hmmm. I will grab a thermometer. You know he can't skip out unless he's got a fever. I wish I could say otherwise."

Calum's POV
We all nodded. A few seconds later Paul came back, thermometer in hand. Ashton took it and stuck it in Michael's mouth.

"Wake up bud. Gotta take your temp."

"Do I have to do this today?" He asked.

"I wish I could say no, but you know you have to have a fever to skip out."

Ash got him to hold the cold device under his tongue. Once he heard the beep, he looked at it.

"100.7," He sighed, "Management's rules are 101 or over to sit out. Sorry buddy."

Michael groaned, but sat up anyways. He stood up shakily. He started to wobble and Luke had to hold him steady.

"You okay?" Luke asked.

"I..I think I need to sit back down. Please," he begged. I felt bad for him and instantly guided him back to sit on the couch.

Paul looked worried.
"He really doesn't seem himself. I'm not gonna make him do this. He can barely stand up." Paul called the supervisors to cancel. They got super pissed, but Paul didn't care. He cared about Michael's health, not career.

They all boarded the bus back to the hotel. Right when they got in the door, Michael spoke up.

"Guys. I think I'm gonna pass..." That was it before he fell to the floor.

Sorry it kinda sucks, I haven't been in the mood for writing, plus just got this account back. I will make a part 2. I just wanted to get something out there before anyone gets mad about me not publishing new chapters.

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