~Chapter Twenty Four~

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I woke up, looking around. I was still in Dream's car, next to George, who just woke up as well. I yawned. "Good morning." I said. "Morning? It's three am." Dream said. "What?" I said, the words not registering in my brain. "Have you been driving around this whole time?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied. Sapnap was asleep in the passenger seat. I rubbed my eyes. We were parked in Dream's driveway. It was dark outside.

"Should we go inside?" I said. "Yeah." Dream said, yawning. I wasn't sure how we got home safely without crashing, but oh well. I unbuckled and slowly climbed out of the car. Sapnap was just getting up, and Dream was trying to convince George to get out and go inside. George was arguing that he was too tired to move. Dream picked him up, bridal-style.

I watched Dream carry a very confused George inside. "Can you grab the door?" He asked, his hands full of George. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I opened the door, ran in, and flopped down on the floor. Patches came up to me and laid with me. Sapnap sat on the couch, nodding back off to sleep. Dream was in one of the reclining chairs, George snuggled up his in lap like a baby. I was too tired to make a remark about that.

I brushed some of the sand off myself, and fell asleep, right there on the floor, with Patches, with my family.

I woke up a few hours later. I sat up, wondering why my bed was so uncomfortable. Oh yeah, I was on the floor. I brushed some sand off of myself. I crawled up on the couch by Sapnap. All three of the boys were still asleep, with Dream and George still cuddling on the chair.

I stared at my phone for a while, before looking at the date. It was December 24th. Christmas Eve!

With nothing else to do, I went up to my room, got dressed, and got on the smp. There weren't too many people active, but I just ran around, doing whatever. I cured a zombie villager, and got mending from it for 7 emeralds.

Ranboo logged onto the server. I checked, and he wasn't live.

<Y/n/n> enderboi

<Y/n/n> vc?

<Ranboo> Yeah

I joined vc9, waiting for him. "Merry Christmas Eve!" I said once he joined. "Hi!" He said. We both ran around, talking and vibing. I went mining, with explosives, which was very fun.

Tubbo joined the server as well, and was live. The three of us ran around, singing Christmas carols. I finally logged off after a while.

"Bye guys!" I said. "Bye!" Ranboo replied. "See ya u/n/n!" Tubbo said. I left the call, and stood up. My phone dinged. It was a text from Tubbo.

Tubbster :D 🐝

we need to talk

after steam



after stream



I put my phone doing, feeling nervous. The sentence 'we need to talk' made me almost throw up from anxiety. It usually means bad news.

I went downstairs, trying not to seem too shaken up. Nick seemed to notice, but didn't say anything. I greeted everyone. "Hey, we get to set up the Christmas tree today." Sapnap said. "It's literally the day before Christmas, why are we waiting until now?" I questioned. "Because Dream is too lazy." Nick replied.

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