~Chapter Thirty Two~

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TRIGGER WARNINGS! alcohol, self harm, suicide (not really but be warned), guns, lots of general stuff, so be prepared for possible pain! sorry :(

current day: March 11

It had been a week. A week of living here, doing the same thing, over and over. I streamed twice, but they were both very short. I was ready to go back to England, but we didn't just yet.

"Y/n, I have something to tell you. I'm going to be out for the day, are you going to be okay?" George told me. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I had replied. That was four hours ago, and he still wasn't home. I watched the clock slowly tick by. Only like five more hours and mom would be home.

I decided to go on a walk while talking to Tubbo. We didn't discuss anything in particular, we just enjoyed each other's presence. I decided that sometime when I went back to England we would hang out again, and Tubbo agreed.

I eventually made it home and just played Minecraft for a while, and then logged off and did homework. I heard a car in our driveway, so I went outside to check it out.

I saw George getting out of a car, along with someone else . . .

I realized who it was, and jumped up and ran down the stairs the fastest I ever have. I ran outside, and tackle-hugged Dream.

"Clay!" I yelled, squeezing him. "y/n, hi!" He replied. We hugged for a while, and George got Dream's bag out of the car.

"I'm happy that you're here. Why are you here?" I asked. "George wanted me to come down here. Besides, you guys need help out here. You can't be in a toxic environment like this." Dream said.

The three of us went inside the house. Mom would be home in an hour. Unfortunately, today her boyfriend would also be home about the same time. I hoped that Mom would be home first.

We all sat around, just kind of vibing. George and Dream said they would share George's room. I made many DNF references. "I'll sleep on the floor." Dream said. "Sure as hell you will. You two can drop the act when it's just me, I've seen worse from you two." I replied.

Mom finally got home. "Mom, hey. Have you met Clay?" George asked. "No, I don't think I have." Mom replied. "Hi, I'm Clay, I'm one of George's friends." Dream said. "Dream will be staying with us for a week or so, is that okay with you?" George asked. "Sure honey, it's okay." Mom said.

As we walked back upstairs, I asked a question. "Should we explain why you just called him Dream?" I asked. "Nah, and if they are curious, we can say it's just a nickname." Dream said.

George told Dream about how mom's boyfriend was, before we heard the door opening. Me and George glanced at each other, before standing up to go back downstairs. "Dream, remember. Don't do anything stupid, please." I said. He nodded.

We went downstairs, seeing him almost immediately. I nodded towards him and then stared at the floor. "Who is this?" He asked. "This is one of out friends, Clay." George said. Dream awkwardly waved. Mom's boyfriend looked Dream up and down, as if finding a way he could hurt him.

"Well, lets get settled in. Go get us some drinks, young lady." He said, making it sound like an order. I glanced over at Dream, and he shook his head. Only the normal two then.

We settled in on our regular spots on the table, with me being at the very end, Dream between me and George, mom at the head of the table, and mom's boyfriend across from George. I pushed the junk at my spot away, and only looked at Dream and George. I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out.

I did my normal of zoning out, staring at a certain spot on the table, only speaking when I had to. It was tough, but something I was used to. I felt my phone in my pocket, and nervously played with the case.

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