Chromesthesia {Prinxiety}

378 15 6

Third Person

Roman never liked the silence, it was so dull. He much preferred the excitement that came with sound, whether it be from people talking, music, or natural sounds like chirping birds. Of course, when he explained this obsession to his friends they never really understood it. Logan found it much easier to focus when it was quiet. Patton did like conversing more than sitting in silence with his closest friends. Virgil liked to avoid social interaction whenever he could, but at least understood his love of music.

Despite their differing opinions, all of them were quite surprised when he first mentioned the spiraling colors and designs that accompanied his new favorite song. Logan was the first to connect the dots, having been much more familiar with psychological conditions, and had Roman take a test. It was determined by him that the Disney nerd had chromesthesia, which meant that he could see sounds.

Now, Virgil had always been confused by that concept. I mean, how would that work? When someone talked, did he just see this stream of color come out of their mouth? That would make it really hard to lip read, which Roman had been able to do. Once they started dating, he had done quite a bit of research on the topic, and didn't really get much answer.

Roman had taken him out on a picnic when he decided to ask. The location was perfect, a hill with a single tree that overlooked a small, natural park. The playground was far enough away that the sounds of screaming children weren't irritating, and the sun was setting fairly early for the November night, the sky lighting up with oranges, pinks, and reds. It was almost frustrating how good he was at planning these in comparison to Virgil, the best the emo could do was make pasta and set up a Disney+ account.

"Hey, Ro?" Virgil started, not exactly sure how to phrase his question. 'What do sounds look like?' sounded childish and kind of offensive.

"Yes, my angsty assailant?" Roman prompts, smiling lovingly at his boyfriend.

"What is it like to have chromesthesia?" He didn't even know if he pronounced it correctly, he didn't really listen after Logan told them the dumbed down version of what it was, "Like, what do the sounds even look like?"

Roman wasn't bothered by the question, "It depends on the sound. Your voice creates waves of purple and black, partially because those are the colors I most associate with you. Remus, on the other hand, practically causes green lightning to erupt whenever he opens his big mouth. The colors sort of...emanate from a person when they're making sound, spiraling or swirling around. Dropping something causes a small explosion of color around the dropped object, but hitting something makes a splash of color wherever you make contact with it," He explains, "And music?" He runs a hand through his hair, looking off into the distance with a far away look in his eyes, "Music is absolutely beautiful."

Virgil always loved to see his boyfriend like this, so full of that childhood wonder not many people their age possessed. He certainly didn't possess it anymore, unless you counted the way his face lit up every time he passed a Hot Topic, so it was nice to see the man he loves be so content. There was nothing quite like it, and he didn't get to see it as often as he'd want, so times like these were amazing. Nothing made him happier than seeing his prince smile. 

A/N: Pretty short, but I figured this one was gonna be anyway. It was just a little fluff involving a mental condition I find to be really interesting! Also, writer's block is a b!tch, so too much more and I wouldn't have finished this in time. Sorry for the lack of consistent updates

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