Meeting the Family Pt. 2 {Prinxiety}

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Roman's POV

"I forgot he was a fainter."

I look at Virgil, seeing him nudge his dad with his foot, "That went well," I remark sarcastically.

"Don't worry about him, it's Amy you should be scared of," The woman says, laughing slightly, "Yeah... my sister's crazy overprotective."

"So that means you're Virgil's aunt?" I say, just noticing the relation. I don't actually know the non-binary equivalent of an aunt/uncle.

"Yep! I'm Sarah, and this is Jesse," She gestures to her significant other.

"Well, it's nice to meet you even if it'll take a little while before Virgil's parents share the sentiment," I say, shaking their hands.

They laugh, before Sarah's attention is drawn away, "Peter, don't you dare throw that punch bowl at your sister!" She goes off to yell at the kids, leaving Jesse to make a cuckoo motion.

Virgil's mom comes outside, "I knew this boy would be nothing but trouble," She mutters, failing horribly at being discreet, "This is why you were never allowed to have a boyfriend!" She rambles, going back inside to get a wet washcloth.

"This is why I didn't tell my parents about you until now," Virgil says.

"Yeah but they should know, it's already been a couple months since we started dating," I reason. We had gotten together at Christmas, and yet his family hadn't been told until now? I kinda feel bad about that, especially since my family knew about us since before we even started dating.

Virgil's mom comes back out, setting a cold washcloth on his dad's head, "This is why I never let you date," She mutters to herself, "All I get out of this a boat-full of trouble, I bet he doesn't even have a degree."

"If you're talking about me ma'am then I'd like to point out I'm going to the same college as Virgil," I've gotten used to Logan insulting my intelligence, but having Virgil's mom do it just feels mean.

"Great," She replies snippily, obviously not caring.

"Oh for god's sake mom, can't you just accept that I'm dating Roman?" Virgil asks, "You haven't even tried to get to know him."

Yeah, with how much of an introvert Virgil was and still is, I thought she'd be glad that her son got a boyfriend. My mom was ecstatic when I told her about my non-existent one and I'm as extra as you can get. Granted that may be because I didn't have many boyfriends growing up. In my defense, hardly anyone at my school was gay.

She looks about ready to argue, before getting seeing Virgil's desperate expression, "Fine, I will. Roman correct?" I nod, "Why don't you help me with lunch and we can talk," Oh thank god I know how to cook.

"Mom no, you're just going to threaten him relentlessly as soon as you're alone, and the chicken will pay the price," Virgil argues, and I can't tell if he's more concerned for me or the chicken.

"I wouldn't do that," She says defensively, but it's pretty obvious that it's happened before. He stares skeptically at her, "Okay so I may have been thinking about doing that but I just have to make sure this boy is right for you."

Rude, I'm right here, "Vee, I'm sure it'll be fine," And if it's not, there's no way she can be scarier than my own mom. I follow Virgil's mom inside, and she quickly sets to dicing a bell pepper, "So...what do you wanna know?"

She stabs the cutting board, quite possibly leaving a mark. She spins around, "Do you do drugs? Do you drink? Do you plan on stealing my only son away from me for sinister means?!"

Okay that was a lot, "Um, no? Virgil and I were friends for a while, we stayed with my family over Christmas break and started dating during the holiday," I summarize, "I do hope that you allow me to prove just how much I care about your son, and I wouldn't want to tear him away from you."

"Then why did he spend Christmas with your family instead of his own since you two apparently weren't dating at the time?" She asks quizzically.

"I...honestly don't know ma'am," I answer earnestly, "I still don't know a lot about Virgil, but I do know that he was willing to help me out, even when we weren't on the best of terms. You really have raised an amazing young man."

Just as I think she's going to warm up to me, I'm proven wrong, "Sucking up isn't going to get you anywhere with me."

"Then what do you expect me to do?" I ask, getting a bit frustrated. I've used some of my best material on her and nothing! "I really want you to like me, because I really like Virgil. It may feel like you're going to lose your 'baby' because of me but that won't happen. I wouldn't let Virgil push his family away on my watch, not when I know how much my own family means to me."

She seems taken aback, "For your sake, I hope you mean that. Because if you're lying then I swear you will never be allowed to see my son ever again."

"Harsh, but fair," I agree, "Is there anything I can do to help around here?"

"Depends on how much you actually know about baking a chicken."

"In my family, cooking was the staple that kept us all together. We usually disagreed on just about every other topic so my mom taught us all how to cook so we'd shut up," I say, removing the knife from the cutting board and setting to work on the pepper.

She studies me for a moment, before leaving my sightline. I'd guess she's helping too, but her footsteps are even quieter than Virgil's. Speaking of Virge, "Is everything okay in here? You haven't killed him yet have you?"

"I'm still alive," I call, dropping the bits of pepper in with the chicken.

"Oh thank god," He looks between the two of us, probably trying to figure out if something bad happened.

His mother stops him, "Before you say anything no I didn't go too overboard, and I'm willing to give this boy a chance," Still here but okay.

Virgil visibly relaxes, "Thank god, dad's awake by the way. And I'm sure he'll want an explanation," He turns to me, "So whatever witchcraft you must have used, be prepared to do it again."

"No magic here, just my amazing charm," I brag, following him out.

He snorts, "Since when are you charming?"

"Apparently since before we started dating because you love me," I point out, smiling and leaning close to him.



A/N: Whoo happy ending yayyy. Just pretend that everything from here on out went fine because I don't feel like making a part 3 right now

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