Ruined Relationships

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A/N: Fair warning, whenever I don't include a ship in the title it's gonna be an entire set like Prinxiety, Logicality, and Demus, I'll say which one at the beginning of the chapter. This one is the aformentioned ships. 

Third Person POV

It was that time of week again, game night. This week the sides decided on Mariokart 8 Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch, a game of betrayal and loads of yelling, fun for the whole family.

(Ya'll probably thought judging by the title that this was gonna be angsty, ha nope. Also I know an actual game wouldn't split into six screens, just go with it)

Roman, as usual, chose Princess Peach because he had to be royalty of some kind. Virgil was King Boo since Roman insisted he had to be royalty too, but he also wanted to be a scarier character. Remus was Waluigi because he's the 'sexiest' character and I'm sure there are many out there who will agree with him. Patton, to no one's surprise, chose Yoshi because he's the loveable animal sidekick. Logan, after looking through every characters' stats, chose Luigi for the best mixture of speed and control. Last but not least, Janus went full snake boi and chose Bowser so he could shove everyone else's characters around.

The first map chosen is Dragon Driftway, one of the harder courses due to all the winding turns and chaotic nature. The countdown begins, all the sides except Patton hitting A at the 2 second mark. Remus ends up exploding and curses, and Patton thankfully has soundproof headphones on for the occasion. Logan quickly takes the lead, with Virgil not far behind while Roman purposely stays back to get better items. It was a silent pact that the couples were going after their partner, minus Patton and Logan who couldn't be competitive with each other if they tried. Of course, Remus also happened to be targeting his brother because annoying Roman is his life's work.

"Ah you prick!! You're in second place, how did you get three red shells?!?" Virgil yells at Logan.

"Actually I had two, Roman threw the third one and it happened to target you since I had passed you," He responds, falling silent again as he sits in first place.

"What are you complaining about? I've been hit by at least three bombs and five boomerangs," Janus complains from last place.

"At this point I've given up on winning and have decided to completely duck with everyone around me," Remus admits, getting a fire flower and spamming it.

Roman pauses, "Did you just slow down so you could hit me twice?!" He yells at Remus.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Remus says calmly, his smile giving him away.

"Bullet Bill!!" Patton exclaims much louder than intended, the overpowered item taking him to third.

The final results from the race had Logan in first, Remus in second, Roman in third, Janus in fourth, Patton in fifth, and Virgil in sixth. Obviously, the results caused some fights, "How could you do this to me? After everything we've been through, we were supposed to be a team," Virgil monologued dramatically, turning away from his boyfriend.

"Virgil I'm sorry, I had no choice!" Roman pleads, scooting closer to his boyfriend with puppy dog eyes, "Stormcloud..." He wraps his arms around Virgil's waist, resting his head on his shoulder.

"If you're gonna have apology sex do it somewhere else," Remus says, successfully ruining the moment.

"Remind me again why you two are dating?" Logan asks Janus.

He sighs, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"You love me and you know it snakey," Remus declares, throwing himself onto his boyfriend's lap.

"Whatever, just get off, the next race is starting," Janus responds, blushing brightly.

"Hey Logie, how do you do that boost thing at the start?" Patton asks, staring down at his controller as the countdown starts.

"Hold A now," Logan instructs him when the two-second mark pops up. He successfully boosts at the start, and the six continue racing for hours.

Needless to say, controllers were thrown, much yelling occurred, and Patton almost his innocence ruined on several occasions. The sides decided it best that they retreat to their own rooms for a while to cool off, but none would forget the betrayals that took place that day. 

A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday, I just didn't feel like writing and I had to go to the orthodontist, yay. 

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