Chapter 3

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⚠️Cussing, someone being jealous, someone being flustered, almost crying⚠️
When everyone was back at their tables Dayne was the first to talk.

"Because you're new how about we play twenty questions?" They asked Sky makin him look up from his tray of food.

"Sounds good to me." He agreed making Dayne smile.

"Great! Okay, first question. What are your pronouns?" Dayne asked with a raised brow.

"He/him, you three?" Sky replied before picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.

"They/them." Dayne replied with a smile making Sky nod.

"She/her." Alya said as she not so subtlety checked Sky out.

"He/him." Viper said while glaring at Alya who just shrugged in responce.

"You can ask the next question." Dayne said to Sky who had been watching Viper and Alya's interaction.

"Oh okay, um I don't know if this is to straight forward but sexuality?" Sky asked as he moved his eyes to his tray.

"I'm Pansexual." Dayne said happily before turning to Alya.

"Straight." She said with a wink twards Sky as she twirled her hair between her fingers.

"Bi-courious." Viper replied as he continued to glare at Alya, silently telling her to back the fuck off.

"I'm Bisexual." Sky said making Alya flatter slightly and Viper smirk.

"Next question! Viper your turn." Dayne cut in quickly not wanting to see Alya and Viper potentially get into a fight.

"Out of everyone here who would you want to be your roommate and why?" Viper asked as he glanced down at Sky.

"I would want either you or Alya as my roommate just because I've known you two longer than I have known Sky. I'm sure your a lovely person though." Dayne said the last bit to Sky.

Sky just smiled with a nod of understanding in responce.

"I would was Sky as my roommate because I think he would be fun to get to know. Either him or Dayne because if I'm your roommate then I know nobody will be able to harm you." Alya replied as she slung an arm around Dayne's shoulders.

"I would probably want Viper as my roommate out of everyone here because I've known him the longest. And even though you two seem very nice he has already proved that he is very nice." Sky said making Viper smile down at him and Alya roll her eyes.

"And how did he prove that to you? Normally he is a dick to anyone that isn't us two and even still he can sometimes be rude to us." Alya asked, not believing what he was saying.

"Well on the bus he kept me from slaming into the back of it, then we talked for a little bit and he hugged me. And he allowed me to sleep on him when I didn't mean to." Sky rambled making Dayne raise a brow twards Viper.

"On him? What do you mean by that?" Dayne asked making Sky blush brightly and Viper smirk slightly.

"Did I say on him? I meant as in on his shoulder." Sky attempted to defend as he looked down at his tray again.

"When did people start calling laps shoulders?" Viper asked making Dayne squeal and Alya laugh.

She was already mostly over Sky now that she knew that Viper would probably get him.

"Wh-?" Sky stuttered, his face growing redder by the second.

"Okay everyone! Lunch is now over! Please look at the papers over here on the door before you leave and then you can do whatever you want." Kathy said as she pointed to a door.

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