Chapter 16

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⚠️Cussing, someone being protective, annoying Alya⚠️

Viper instantly moved infront of both Sky and Dayne, blocking Alya from both of them.

"What are you doing?" She asks Viper looking confused.

"You are needed over there to duel." Viper replied ignoring her question.

"Okay?" Alya said as she moved trying to get around Viper only for Viper to move with her.

"What are you doing? I'm trying to get to Dayne and Sky." She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am aware of that. Now go and don't keep Coach waiting." Viper snapped back while glaring at her.

"What? Why are you acting like this?" Alya asked now annoyed.

"Go now." Viper said in a demanding tone as a few light bulbs flickered before exploding.

Everyone jumped at the sudden noise exsept for Dayne who meirly opened an umbrella over themself and Sky.

"Whatever. When I get back from dueling I will figure out what's going on though." Alya huffed before storming off twards where she was supposed to be.

Once she was out of sight Viper turned back twards Sky and Dayne.

"Sorry about the glass." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you." Sky said as he hugged Viper, his face nuzzling into Viper's shoulder because of their hight difference.

Viper stumbled back slightly from the sudden movement but hugged Sky back.

"No problem." He muttered with a blush as Dayne smiled at the two.

"They are so cute." Dayne thought with a smile.

"Oi! You three! Quit lounging around and to work!" One of the coaches yelled making Sky jump apart from his and Viper's hug.

"Sorry sir." They all said before going over to the dueling area where Viper and Dayne taught Sky how to better his current technique.

*At Dinner*

The three sat down at their normal table with their food having almost forgot about what had happened with Alya.

Well that was until she sat next to Sky instead of Dayne and asked "What the Hell is up with you three?"

Sky instantly moved closer to Viper while she moved closer to Sky.

Viper saw that Sky was about to fall off of his seat so he did the only logical thing.

He picked Sky up and placed him in his lap, wrapping his arms around Sky's small waist.

"What are you doing?" She asked once again now with an annoyed look.

Sky blushed when Viper moved him but didn't say anything, instead he hid his face into Viper's shoulder.

"You made Sky uncomfortable so Viper is protecting him. If you hadn't harassed the poor kid then we wouldn't be here." Dayne snapped making Alya glare at them.

"How did I harass him?! What did I do?" Alya asked looking confused and annoyed.

"You hugged him withought his consent and you made him so uncomfortable that he hid from you." Dayne said back as if that was obvious, which it was.

"Well he didn't say he was uncomfortable! And even so it was just a hug. Also Viper just pulled him into his lap withought consent! Attack him too not just me!" Alya attempted to defend.

"I don't give a shit if it was "just a hug", you made him uncomfortable and if he wanted to he could press charges. I pulled him into my lap so he could get away from you. He said that he didn't mind when Dayne or I hug him and in a way this is a hug. Also does he look uncomfortable to you? No he doesn't. I think you should leave." Viper said finally snapping and having enough of all of her bullshit.

"Ugh! Well he didn't tell me that I was making him uncomfortable or I would have stopped!" Alya huffed while crossing her arms over her chest.

"Read the room bitch." Dayne said making Alya's eyes widen.

"Well I'm sorry I'm not an empath like Sky is! I can't "read a room" like he can." Alya said looking offended that Dayne called her a bitch.

"I'm not a powerful empath, I can only pick up on small things. I see how dangerous and/or mad people are based on how dark their auras are." Sky said as he looked up from Viper's shoulder.

He then looked at Alya's aura and saw that it was a dark grey, Dayne's was still a light grey as they were clearly amused at how Alya was reacting to being confronted. Then there he turned to look at Viper's aura.

It was almost black.

His eyes widened before he placed a hand on Viper's cheek.

Viper's eyes instantly snapped twards his own as they could practically hear Alya roll her eyes behind them.

"Your aura is almost black. Please calm down, your scaring me." Sky said quietly making Viper's gaze instantly soffen more than it already had.

"Sorry, she is just really pissing me off." Viper appoligised as his aura lightened to a dark grey.

"I know, it's okay though. Dinner is almost over anyway." Sky says before pecking Viper's cheek making them both blush.

Sky hid back into Viper's shoulder having seen Viper's aura lighten to an almost blinding bright white.

"What the Hell just happened?" Alya asked while stabbing her salad aggressively.

"Don't worry about it, what you should worry about is finding another table to sit at until we all calm down and let you back over here." Viper said making her eyes widen I disbelief.

"Your really kicking me out over some newbie?! I've known you since you were ten! We are all eighteen now! That's eight years and you are going to kick me out just because of some cute boy you met not even a month ago?!" Alya accused getting a meir nod from Viper.

"Ugh! Whatever you freak!" She yelled before storming out of the cafeteria.

Everyone watched her go looking confused and rumors instantly started to spread.

"God she is such a bitch." Dayne murmered as they finnished up their dinner.

"Agreed." Viper said before looking down at Sky.

"Hey, you can't fall asleep yet. You still need a shower and to change into pajamas." He said when he saw Sky's eyes start to droop closed.

Sky nodded as he sat up, no longer leaning against Viper but still sitting in his lap.

"You two should go ahead, I'll see you tomorrow." Dayne said with a smile knowing how much training Sky did and how tired he must be.

The two men nodded before getting up and heading to their dorm room.

"Do you want to shower first?" Viper asked as they walked into the room.

"I can...or we could shower together?" Sky asked as he got his clothes from the small closet.

Viper froze in his spot before turning twards Sky.

"Im sorry what did you say? I don't think I heard you correctly." He asked making sure he had heard what he thought he heard.

"We could shower together...

1,168 Words! Rember there will NOT be any smutt in this book so don't get your hopes up!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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