Chapter 12

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⚠Mentions of past stabbing, burn marks, cussing, mentions of a past physical fight, kiss *not on the lips*, teasing (kind of)⚠

The next morning the two boys were woken up by someone knocking on their door.

"Who is it?" Viper asked loud enough to be heard but not a yell.

"Dayne, I didn't want to barge in and get blasted by fire on accident." Dayne said back through the door.

"Come in." Viper said as Sky started to wake up.

Sky lifted his head from Viper's chest when he heard the door open but when the sun hit his eyes he quickly abandoned that plan and re-hid in Viper's chest.

"Soooo is this just how you two sleep now or???" Dayne asked with an amused smirk.

"Someone invaded Sky's mind last night and burned his arm. I woke him up and healed him. Because I was asleep before hand I didn't have much energy to being with and so when I was done healing him I bacily crashed. So that's how we ended up here." Viper explained making Dayne's smirk disappear.

"Did you see who it was? That's an illegal use of magic here." They asked as they moved to the end of Sky's bed.

"All I saw was a flash of long blond hair. Also where is Alya?" Sky answered before asking, wanting to change the topic.

"Oh, she is still asleep. Some loose blade slashed across her arm and so we stayed up pretty late at the nurse office. It took them forever to get a healer over to us. I told her that we should just come here and that you would heal her but she didn't want to disturb you two." Dayne explained.

"Oh no! Is she okay? She could have come over, I'm normally a pretty heavy sleeper so I wouldn't have been disturbed." Sky asked concerned for one of his only friends.

"Oh yeah she is fine now. This is nothing compared to her almost death experience when we were all sixteen." Dayne said as if that was a completely  normal thing to say.

"Near death?! What happened?" Sky asked as he attempted to sit up, only to be stopped by Viper nuzzling his head into his neck.

 "An evil Goblin stole a knife from a knight and decided to have a stabbing fest on her. She was able to control the Goblin after a second but it had gotten a few good stabs in so she almost bled to death. She still has scars to this day. Of course she is fine but has major trust issues with Goblins." Dayne explained shivering at the horrid memory.

"And she still comes here?! Wow... she is so much braver than I am." Sky said as Viper moved them so he was big spooning him making him blush.

"Oh yeah, Viper is pretty affectionate whenever he has just woken up. Mostly whenever he has healed the person before he fell asleep." Dayne told Sky with a smile when they saw what Viper was doing. "Your not uncomfortable with it right?" They asked knowing that Viper would stop if he said yes.

"No, I'm fine with it. To be honest I'm touch starved so this is actually pretty nice." Sky said with a brighter blush, part embarrassment part effect of the cuddling.

"Well that's sad yet good at the same time." Dayne said not knowing how to respond.

"Yep." Viper said causing himself to kiss Sky's neck when he popped the 'p' in the word. (His head was still nuzzled in the crook of Sky's neck.)

Sky blushed darkly when Viper did this but didn't say anything just incase Dayne didn't see it, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it when it was just an accident.

"Well I just came to get you two for breakfast. Even though I have been here for a while and could easily take care of myself, it's always better to be safe than sorry." Dayne said changing the topic.

"I thought there was a no bully rule here and a no fighting one as well? Wouldn't an attack on you be disobeying both of those rules?" Sky asked as he successfully sat up, Viper letting him go.

"Wow your submissive." Dayne mumbled making Viper laugh out loud and confuse Sky.

"What?!" He asked, his blush now crimson. 

"Just the way you fraise your sentence. Anyway, not the point. To answer your question, yes it would be going against the rules but that doesn't stop people from doing them." Dayne explained getting a nod from Sky.

Viper was still quietly laughing about Dayne calling Sky out so he didn't respond.

"Oh would you be quiet! I am not submissive! You can't tell just off of how I fraise a sentence!" Sky said to Viper.

Viper stopped laughing and looked over towards Sky. "Are you trying to tell me what to do?" He asked, his voice deeper than normal as he walked to Sky. 

"Wh-? I-um" Sky stuttered looking confused and slightly scared. 

Viper's aura was still light grey but his tone as way different from how it normally is. 

Viper advanced on Sky as Sky walked backwards until he hit a wall.

"Don't tell me what to do unless you want a punishment, nothing abusive though." Viper said as he got closer to Sky's face.

"Kinky." Dayne muttered so Sky couldn't hear and Viper ignored.

"Like what?" Sky asked, still trying to prove that he wasn't a sub or bottom.

"You don't want to know." Viper growled into Sky's ear making the shorter boy shiver.

Sky gave a single nod before Viper moved away from him and slopped onto his own bed.

"I'm just messing with you. I don't care what you do or say. Tell me what to do all you want, I probably wont do it but you can still tell me to if it makes you feel better." He said with a small smirk. "Oh and the punishment would have been no cuddles." he added making Dayne burst out into laughter and Sky hide his face in his hands out of embarrassment. 

"Merlin your annoying." Sky said to Viper before adding "I'm going to go change so I can go down to breakfast with Dayne as well. And I'm not submissive!" He yelled the last part from the bathroom where he was going to change in.

"You may not be submissive but you sure as Hell are a bottom!" Dayne yelled back, laughing when they heard an annoyed groan of frustration shot back at them.

Eventually all three of them were ready and out of the room, heading for the cafeteria. 

Well that was until they heard a howl of pain followed by a shreak of terror...


1,108 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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