Chapter 11

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The 5 elements symbols^^^
⚠️Fire used as a weapon, cussing, people being confused, invasive nightmare, verbal & physical abuse in semi nightmare, someone being burnt, crying, headache, cuddles, kissing*not on the lips*⚠️ (Also if there are words twice in a row that is the same work in a sentence then it is intentional)
When he saw four fireballs flying at him and Sky...

Before Viper could even react Sky's eyes flashed dark blue as two jets of water flew from his hands, killing the fire instantly.

After a second his eyes turned back normal and he was confused as fuck.

"Sorry! That wasn't meant for you two! That was just a practice shot gone wrong. Sorry!" Some kid yelled before turning back to their friend and shooting more fire, this time at a target.

"How did you do that?" Viper asked Sky, ignoring the idot that was using fire.

"I don't know! It just happened!" Sky said sounding panicked and slightly scared.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down." Viper said having heard the panic in Sky's tone.
"Lets go inside so you can sleep. We will  try and figure it out tomorrow okay?" Viper continued as he wrapped an arm around Sky's shoulders.

"Okay." Sky said as he leaned slightly against Viper's side. They both walked to their shared room in silence after that.

Once they got there they both changed into their pajamas before going to their own beds and falling asleep.

⚠️Invasive nightmare begins & Sky's pov⚠️

"Where am I?" I thought as I look around a pitch black room.

I can bairly see my own hands infront of my face! What the Hell? Why is it so dark?

"Hello Love~" Someone purred in my ear causing me to move away from the noise as quick as possible.

"Who are you?!" I ask trying (and failing) to keep the worry out of my voice.

"That isn't important. What is important is your powers. You have gained both water and fire powers with just a single touch of both objects. That is very important and impressive." The feminine voice said sounding as if it was getting closer and closer to me as it talked.

"So what? What is that important to?" I ask getting more confused by the second.

"It is important to your skill. If you can master all five elements well enough then you don't need any other power. You could become unstoppable with just those few powers. They would be effortless to you as well." The voice said right in my ear making me jump and turn twards it, catching a glance of long blond hair before seeing the black abis again.

"Why would I want to become unstoppable? All I want is to be good enough to protect my friends and myself." I reply facing where the voice was last heard.

"Well if you become unstoppable then you could protect and harm anyone you want to. With all of the elements mastered you can do just about anything you wish. Let me teach you how to unlock all of your powers." The voice said the last sentence in a demanding  tone.

"I'd rather friends are going to help me." I say as I try to stand my ground. I don't know if they can see me or not so I don't want to show any signs of weakness.

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