Chapter 5

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Kind of what Sky looks like but not 100% accurate^^^
⚠️Dueling, cussing, someone being flustered, mentions of past abuse⚠️
The first thing Viper taught Sky was the proper stance.

He continued to go through the basics of everything and Sky caught on quickly.

After about half an hour Viper asked "Do you think your ready to duel? I'll hold back obviously but we can still work on things that you know."

"Sounds good!" Sky said with a grin. In all honesty he loved learning new things and normally caught on quickly to anything he was taught.

The two got their stance and had their lances up in the starting position.

"Begin!" Some random person said to the two.

Viper meirly glared at the person because before he could do anything more Sky was already striking causing him to defend.

The two continued to at this for a while, Vipers defending while Sky lead the attacks.

"That's enough of being nice for now." Viper thought before doing a trick that he didn't teach Sky causing Sky to stumble backwards some.

He quickly regained his stance and started to defend Viper's attacks.

Viper continued to walk forward, pressing Sky back until they got to a wall.

In one swift moment Viper had hit Sky's lance so it went up into the air allowing him to grab it.

He did so with ease and now had both lances in his right hand while his left hand was against the wall Sky was pined against.

"You know you're really good for a newbie, most people freak out when I start to swing at them. You on the other hand was able to block everything and not back down. Very impressive." Viper said as he got closer to Sky.

By now Sky was fully pressed against the wall while Viper had his arms trapping Sky against wall (He had dropped the lances). With every word Viper's breath fanned against Sky's ear, neck and shoulder sending shivers down his spine. 

"Well I'm not like everyone, I'm a quick learner and don't back down easily. I have a reason to train hard and motivation to do so as well. I won't go down with ought a fight." Sky said back with a smirk and blush from how close they were.

"Good to know." Viper said with a smirk of his own. He knew the small amount of space was making Sky flustered but he had to admit, the tiny boy could put up a good act.

"Hey! You two are supposed to be training! Not flirting, do that on your own time." Some boy snapped while glaring at Viper.

"This is our free time dumbass. We don't have real training until tomorrow afternoon." Dayne stepped in as they and Alya walked over to them all.

"Even if we were supposed to be training and not flirting as you say, you wouldn't be the one to say anything about it. That would be a coaches' job." Viper said as he glared back at the boy.

The two continued to glare at each other as Sky ducked under Viper's arms and went next to Dayne and Alya.

"What is happening?" Sky asked the two as they all watched the two glare at each other, fists clenched as if trying to restrain from throwing punches. 

"Well if I were to guess, I would say that Leo over there either likes you and is jealous that Viper gets to be your partner and flirt with you. Or he is jealous that Viper is actually talking to you let alone flirting with you." Alya said with a shrug of her shoulders. 

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