Chapter 6

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 ⚠Talk of past abuse, crying, cussing, talk of a past mother, cuddles⚠ (Do NOT read if you are triggered by abuse, I will put a summary at the bottom of the page!)

After about ten minutes Viper came out of the bathroom wearing boxers, sweatpants and socks no shirt. His hair that was normally pretty straight was relatively curly now.

"You don't have to answer any questions other than where the pain is if you don't want to okay?" Viper said as he dropped his clothes into an empty bag he was now counting as his small laundry hamper.

"Okay." Sky replied as he sat up on his bed. 

"For this to work I will need to touch you in some way. The options are holding hands, hugging, cuddling or just having my hand on your shoulder. The quickest way to do it would either be the hugging or cuddling choice but the others will still work, they will just take a little longer." Viper said as he sat down next to Sky.

"What would you prefer to do?" Sky asked as he kept his eyes on his sweater paws.

"I am fine with any of them, this is based on your comfort level so you get to choose." Viper said as he looked down at the adorable boy next to him. For someone that was eighteen he was super short but that just made him even cuter.

"Well out of the hugging and cuddling one, which one is quicker?" Sky asked with a blush making Viper smile. 

"The cuddling one because more of our body parts would be touching at once if that makes sense." Viper attempted to semi explain.

"Okay, then I guess we can do that one." Sky said, still not meeting Viper's eyes. 

Instead of verbally responding Viper nodded and pulled Sky to his chest as he laid them both down onto the bed, Sky bacily on top of Viper. 

Sky was stiff at first but when Viper started to run one of his hands through Sky's hair he instantly relaxed and melted into Viper's embrace.

"Where is the worst pain and/or injurie at?" Viper asked gently as he felt Sky relax against him.

"Well the answer to both is the gash on my arm. *Sky lifted up his left arm slightly before continuing* My dad gave it to me when I broke a vase my mum made when she was still alive. He picked up one of the shards and slashed it across my arm before dropping it and storming out of the house. I washed the wound and bandaged it before getting some strong glue and putting all of the pieces back together. You couldn't tell it had even been broken except for a small chip of the rim missing, although it just looked like it had been chipped off. When my dad came back he saw it and seemed pleased until he saw the missing chip, he slapped me and yelled at me before telling me to go to my room which I did." Sky explained, his eyes watering at the memory of the past events.

"How long ago was this?" Viper asked as he rubbed soothing circles on Sky's back, he would heal the wound once he knew everything he needed to know.

"About a week ago? I'm not sure but I know it was pretty recent." Sky said as more of a question.

Viper hummed in response, he looked calm on the outside but on the inside he was planning how to get away with murdering this b*tch Sky claims to be his father. 

"I am going to heal your arm now okay? I won't be able to talk while I do so but I can still listen if you want to go ahead and tell me where your next wound is." Viper said making Sky nod into his chest.

Viper's eyes turned to purple as ran his hand up and down Sky's gashed arm. It always helped if he could touch the wound to heal it quicker.

Instead of talking Sky just cuddled closer to Viper and allowed him to do whatever he had to so he could ease the pain and heal the wounds his father had given him.

After a minute Viper's eyes returned to their normal vibrant blue.

"If you don't want to keep telling me these stories you can either tell me where the wounds are or I could do a full body scan almost, it would take a lot more power but I could do it if you don't want to say anything." Viper said as he moved his hand from Sky's arm back up to Sky's hair.

"Well I don't want you to waist your power more than you already are so I can just tell you where the wounds are." Sky stated as he leaned into Viper's hand. 

"This poor kid really is touch starved. I barely know him and he is allowing me to cuddle him and heal him." Viper thought even though Sky was only a year younger than himself.

"I'm not wasting power as long as its helping you." Viper replied with a smile when he saw Sky's blush.

Sky then started listing off wounds he had gotten that were worth healing, no bruises or small cuts were told to Viper. Only the burn mark, deeper cuts, belt lash marks, and other more sever wounds like that.

By the time Viper had finished healing all of Sky's wounds he was drained. Using powers that weren't part of the five elements would drain you energy and the only way of getting that energy back would be to sleep. 

"I think I'm going to go to sleep now, we will talk more about this tomorrow okay?" Viper said as he got up and fell onto his bed.

"Okay. Thank you again." Sky agreed as he got under his covers, trying to get warm again now that Viper's body warmth was gone.

"Anytime cutie." Viper said with a smile before falling asleep.

"That was really quick, he just finished talking!" Sky thought before shrugging it off, he was probably just tired from using so much magic.

 Sky didn't know that magic drained someone so badly. If he had known then he would have told Viper to space out the healing process over the span of a few days, not all in one night.

"Oh well, tomorrow is the first day of real training so I should get some sleep too." Sky thought before turning onto his side, now facing away from Viper before falling asleep.

Oh how tomorrow would be Hell...

Viper heals Sky's wounds that he was given by his abusive father. That drained Viper's powers so he went to sleep quickly. Sky was curious as to why he fell asleep so quickly but brushed it off and went to sleep himself. Tomorrow they will be training dueling for the first real time so it should be fun...right?
1,150 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!! 💖💖💖

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