Chapter 31

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⚠️Cussing, talk of bl**d, crying, heated kissing/making out⚠️

Thats when Sky saw Viper...

Viper had a tubes coming from his arms, bloody bandaids/wrapps across his chest, a breathing mask, and was hooked up to about five or six different machines, all of them keeping track of different things.

His eyes stung with a new wave of tears.

"Blankets are in that closet over there and the bathroom is right there." The nurse said with a smile as she pointed to each thing before turning around and leaving.

Sky wiped his eyes before walking over beside Viper.

"Please, please, please, don't die. You are the first person that has ever shown me that life isn't a living Hell ever since my mom died. I can't have someone else I love die too." He said as he held onto Viper's hand.

He stayed standing there for a few minutes before moving over to the couch and laying it out into a bed. 

Because he didn't have any clothes there he just took his shoes off and moved to the bathroom.

He took a shower to get all of the remaining dragon blood, dirt and other grime off of himself before changing into a hospital gown that the nurse had broght him when he was in the shower.

He tied it tight in the back so nothing would show before stepping out of the bathroom and moving next to Viper once more.

"Please get better soon." He whispered before kissing Viper's forehead and moving to the squeaky couch bed.

He pulled the blanket over himself in an attempt to get warm but it didn't really work.

So after a few hours of freezing, his body fell asleep from exhaustion of the day.

*The next morning*

Sky woke up to the sound of people taking and instantly sat up on guard.

"Oh your awake, your friend Dayne came over already and brought you some clothes before talking to Viper and leaving." A doctor said as he pointed to a small bag on one of the counters.

"Oh, thank you." Sky replied while moving his gaze to Viper.

"How long do you think he will be out for?" He asked, the possible answer had been bugging him.

"He should hopefully wake up soon but I doubt he will be able to talk as soon as he does. He also won't be able to walk for a while and will have to go through physical therapy before he can properly do so." The doctor answered with a smile.

Sky didn't know if he should be thrilled about that answer or worried.

"Thats good." He said before standing up and grabbing the bag of clothes.

"I'm going to go and change." He said awkwardly before walking into the bathroom.

He quickly changed and when he was done he threw the gown away in the small trashcan before going back into the main room.

He looked around the room and saw that all the doctors had left so it was now just Sky and Viper.

"You know... when you wake up and we can get you out of here we are all going to keep that promise to Dayne. We are all going to go to the best arcade ever and I am going to win you whatever you want. Hell I'll give you whatever you want if you wake up soon. I don't have a lot of money but I can make you something or beg Dayne for money that I can eventually pay them back." Sky rambled as he moved over to Viper, once again linking their hands.

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