Chapter 18

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"Very impressive Mr.Black, you take after your father." Mrs.Stella said looking very impressed.

When she said that everything stopped and disappeared as Viper's eyes shut.

She raised a brow at him before turning away and checking on another set of students.

Once she was gone Viper opened his eyes again and stumbled back slightly, Dayne instantly at his side.

"Are you okay?" They asked as they helped steadied him.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just wasn't prepared for that statement." Viper replied as he shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Dayne asked with a head tilt.

"I mean that most people say that I need to be more like him or that I will never live up to be as great as him. I'm not used to people saying that I'm already like him that's all." Viper explained with a shoulder shrug.

"I don't think your like your father." Sky stated drawing the attention of the other two.

"Why do you say that?" Dayne asked as Viper raised a brow at him.

"I don't think that your like your father because your magic is pure, your aura only darkens when your protecting someone, and you use your magic for nothing but good. Your father on the other hand constantly has a dark aura around him, he gives me creepy vibes, and I don't know what he does with his magic so I can't judge him on that. In other words, I don't think your like your father, I think your better than him." Sky explained making a light blush grow on Viper's cheeks, neck, and ears.

"Aww that was adorable!" Dayne commented making Sky flush red.

"Its just the truth." He muttered while glancing up at Viper only to see him already staring back.

"Enough chitter chatter! Get to work you three! Dayne I need you to go and help Alice over there with the water element." The Counsler snapped as she walked over to them before leading Dayne over to the girl.

"Okay so I think you learn best by touch of the element so I'm going to grow a flower and then your going to touch it okay?" Viper asked getting a nod from Sky.

Viper then turned so he was looking at the spot right imbetween himself and Sky with his hands stretched out infront of him.

A meir second later there was a 5'5 sunflower standing between them.

Sky's eyes widened at the size of the flower before his arm lifted to touch the delicate plant.

His body seemed to move on its own accord as his hand reached up and gently stroked the soft yellow petals.

After a minute he brought his hand back down and looked twards Viper.

"Now try and focus your power next to the sunflower and try to grow one of your own. It's fine if you don't get it the first try." Viper said getting a determined nod from Sky.

Sky took a deep breath before holding his hands infront of him, point twards the ground, and shut his eyes.

When he opened them they were both forest green and a thirteen foot sunflower flew up from the ground.

He stumbled back in shock as his eyes returned to their normal color.

All eyes turned to him, some impressed stared and others glares. They were jealous that Sky could master an element with such little effort.

"Pretty impressive for your first try." Viper commented with a small smile as everyone else went back to work.

"Thanks." Sky replied with a wide grin, proud of himself for making such a large sunflower so quickly.

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