Chapter 19

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This is their cuddling position in one point of the chapter^^^
⚠️Cussing, talk of s*x, talk of r*pe, CUDDLES⚠️
"Well... she targets one student almost every year. She hates her husband because he isn't a knight or young. So because of that she tried to seduce and then sleep with whoever she targeted. When her husband finds out she guilt trips him into thinking that he wasn't giving her enough and that's why she did it. He gives her more money and time spent together but she still sleeps with whoever let's her." Viper explained, pausing for a moment allowing Sky to take in the information.

"How do you know all of this?" Sky asked after a minute.

Viper took a deep breath before explaining. "I was one of her victims. I told her that I didn't want to do anything with her and that she should respect that but somehow she thought I was joking around. To spare you all of the details she rapped me and didn't get introuble because she is a lady and I was of age so "I should have enjoyed it". Stupid I know, I don't want her doing that to you though so your not going to leave me side when she is around okay?" By now Sky's eyes were wide, his mouth agape, and his hand covering his mouth.

"How could she do something like that to you? She should have gotten fired! Hell she should have gone to jail!" Sky said anger replacing his shock.

"Yes she should have but she didn't. It was three years ago when I was sixteen so it's long over and done with. Don't worry about it, what you should worry about is yourself. If she comes near you or does anything to you that you don't like then punch, kick, slap, scrape, elbow, knee, anything her to get her away. If you get introuble then I will stand up for you and I know Dayne and Alya will too." Viper stated in a serious tone.

Sky looked like he wanted to say something more but decided against it. "Okay, so the plan is to stay close to you or Dayne right?" He asked as he looked up to meet Viper's eyes.

"Correct." Viper said with a confirming nod.

Sky hummed in understanding before facing his entire body to face Viper.

He then tackle hugged the taller male, wrapping his arms around his torso and nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck.

The sudden impact sent Viper back so he was now laying down on the bed instead of sitting.

He slowly wrapped his arms around Sky's back and rested his head atop of Sky's.

"Are you okay?" Viper asked gently not knowing why Sky suddenly hugged him.

"Mhm." Sky hummed with a small nod that ended up making nuzzle closer to Viper.

"Not that I mind but what's the hug for then?" He asked as he slightly tightened his grip on their hug.

"Just felt like it." Was Sky's only responce even though he did have a reason in his mind.

"Okay." Viper said just above a whisper as Sky fully relaxed against him.

The real reason why Sky had hugged Viper was because when he had talked about the past his eyes glistened with un-shed tears and even if he didn't notice it his hands started to shake.

Sky was trying to comfort him to the best of his abilitys without letting Viper know thats what was happening.

*5 minutes later*

By now Sky was asleep on Viper's chest while Viper played with Sky's soft hair, loving how the soft short curles felt against his fingers.

Just then he heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Viper asked after covering Sky's ears hoping to muffle the sounds.

"Its me Dayne!" Someone yelled, making Viper's brows frow.

That person didn't sound like Dayne.

"Who is it really?" He asked as he used the wind element to lock the door shut.

"Dayne! My voice changed because some prick used their magic on me after I accidentally splashed water on them!" The person said although Viper still didn't bye it.

"What's Dayne's birth power?" He asked, he was going to ask a few questions before he would complete trust that it was actually Dayne.

"The ability to read minds but choose who's mind I'm reading and when." The person answered not skipping a beat.

"Correct, how many powers has Dayne unlocked?" Viper asked again, each question would get harder and harder.

"Three. I can do all of the elements, my birth power, then if I am close enough I can make people forget memories, with permission I can take away bad memories, and lastly I can unlock lost memories in someone's mind." The person said making Viper glare at the door.

He moved so Sky was laying on the bed, now cuddling a pillow before walking up to the door.

He looked through the peep-hole and saw a girl with long blond hair standing with her ear pressed up against the door.

"Long blond hair... isn't that what Sky said his nightmare chick had?" Viper thought before opening the door, the girl falling to the ground infront of him.

He could have easly caught her but he didn't care.

"What was that?" Sky asked as he slowly sat up, having been woken up from the thump of the girl falling.

"Don't worry about it cutie, go back to sleep." Viper said trying to keep Sky away from this girl, he didn't know what she was capable of and didn't want Sky to potentially get hurt.

Sadly Sky didn't listen to him and instead walked up next to him.

"Its fine, I need to be up to get lunch anyw- why is there someone in our floor?" Sky asked while looking down at the girl.

"I don't know, why are you in our floor? Also why did you pretend to be Dayne?" Viper asked while nudging the girl's shoulder with his foot.

"I am in your floor because you didn't tell me you were coming to open the door. As for pretending to be Dayne...well that's my business not yours." She said while getting up, an arrogant aura around her.

"Well Dayne is our friend so yeah it is our business." Viper snapped as he glared at the girl.

She gulped before averting her eyes to Sky.

"That doesn't matter, I just came for him." She said before grabbing Sky's wrist...

1,087 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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