Chapter 13

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⚠️Cussing, someone being in pain, someone being annoyed, a creep, mentions of past abuse⚠️

Well that was until they heard a howl of pain followed by a shreak of terror...

Everyone turned to see what caused the noises and saw a girl and a boy standing there, the boy looking at the girl in fear while holding his head. 

"Oh shut up you over dramatic baby. It was just a small splash of water." The girl said as she rolled her eyes. 

"And my main element is fire! That hurt Alyssa! I didn't think you would go that far over something so small." The boy said as he continued to clutch his head.

"Oh whatever you wimp." The girl now known as Alyssa said before walking away from the boy.

"Come on guys, we should get to the cafeteria before breakfast en-" Viper cut himself off when he saw that Sky was no longer with their small group.

"Hey, I couldn't help but hear what just happened. Are you okay?" Sky asked the boy that had just been in the verbal fight with Alyssa. 

"Yeah I'm fine, nothing a quick trip to the Nurse won't fix." The boy said back as he smiled down at Sky. 

"Oh! Well my friend Viper over there will be able to heal you quicker then they can! Then we could all go get breakfast together!" Sky said with a large grin. He liked helping people and seeing them smile.

"Viper? You... are friends with Viper?" The boy asked confusing Sky.

"Yes? Well at least I think we are friends, he has saved me many times so far so I think we are." Sky said with a thoughtful face.

"Sky, what are you doing over here? Viper was worried about where you were." Dayne teased as they and Viper walked up to the two of them.

"I was not, don't lie to the kid." Viper said while glaring at Dayne.

"So you do have a heart? Who knew you would have a soft spot for a softie like Sky here." The boy said confusing Sky and slightly angering Viper.

"How do you know my name? I didn't tell it to you." Sky asked as he moved closer to Dayne and Viper. 

"My birth power is to be able to know everyone's names, age, and if they are a threat or not. It comes in handy whenever someone tells me a fake name or age, I use my power against them. Anyway back to what I was saying, I didn't think someone like Vesper over here would befriend someone so nice and incent as you." The boy said as he looked from Viper to Sky.

Viper glared at him for using his real name while Sky looked at him like he was stupid.

"Who the Hell said I was incent? I may look like a little sweet boy but I can assure you I am not when I don't want to be. We should get to breakfast, see you later...?" Sky said before realizing he didn't know the boy's name.

"Luke, my name is Luke. And your right, we will see each other soon." Luke said before walking off to the nurse to get his head healed.

"Anyone else get creep vibes from him or was it just me?" Dayne asked as the three of them went to the cafeteria to finally get breakfast.

"Oh I defiantly got creep vibes from him, his aura was fine until you two showed up and then he looked at me. The danger in his aura grew and darkened to a dark grey." Sky agreed as Viper moved so he was between Dayne and Sky.

"Well if he comes near either of you and trys something that you don't like then he will get to see what fifteen years of training looks like." Viper said as they entered the cafeteria.

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