Chapter 26

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⚠️Cussing, Sexual harassment, groping, crying, someone being in pain, H slur (aka H*e), someone passing out, physical fight⚠️

Right once he was nearing the door he heard yelling, then a loud BANG...

*Time jump backwards to when Dayne left the room & Dayne's pov*

"I need to blow off some steam." I mutter to myself as I walk twards my room.

Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled Viper and Sky are together, they aren't my problem. Alya is...

Once I reach my room I open the door and Instantly see Alya packing her bag.

I start to turn around and leave when a gust of wind shuts the door and pulls me twards her.

She then wrapped one of her arms around my waist as the other rests on my throat.

"You know I've always liked you...and Viper and now Sky as well. Call me hoe if you want, I don't care. Anyway, because I won't be here for long and Sky and Viper are together, how about we have a little fun before I leave?" She asked as she lowers her hand to my inner thy.

I freeze in shock, what the fuck?!

She smirks as her hand moved closer to my croch, tightening her grip now groping my thy.

I snap out of the shock and quickly grab her wrist.

"Keep moving and I won't hesitate to burn your hand off." I state as my hand heats up.

She attempts to cool the heat with water but all it does is evaporate.

She let's go of my thy and takes a step back. 

Just as I thought she was going to leave me be, she grabbed both of my hands and pinned me to a wall with a loud BANG.

My hands now above my head as my body is pressed against the wall, Alya's body on mine I try to squeam out of her grip.

Just then the door slams open, Alya looks over to see who it is and I take my chance instantly.

I knee her as hard as I can in her croch making her gasp in pain, letting go of my hands as well as she bent over.

I then punch her full force in the side of her neck making her pass out.

***3rd Pov***

Viper stares shocked at the scene that just un-ravled before him before snapping out of it and moving over to Dayne.

"Are you okay? What the fuck just happened?" He asks as Dayne glares down at Alya's unconscious body.

"That psychotic bitch tried to rape me." They replied, their voice cracking near the end as tears came to the corner of their eyes.

"I'm going to kill her." Viper said as he grew a fire above his hand, his eyes now dark red consirning and confusing Dayne.

His eyes had never changed before when using elements? Why now?

"No, you'll get introuble and Sky and I need you here." They replied as they hugged Viper, their voice not fully there.

Viper put the fire out before hugging Dayne back.

Dayne relaxed into the embrace feeling safe for the moment being.

Viper was like the older brother they always wanted but never had at home because of being an only child.

"I wanna go blow something up." Dayen muttered into Viper's shoulder making him chuckle.

"How about the targets I bought you for Christmas last year?" He suggested as Dayne pulled away from the hug.

"Sounds like a good idea." They agreed before stepping over the still unconscious Alya to get to their trunk, grabbing the targets before turning to face Viper again.

"You should stay here and take care of Sky, I'll be in the field if you need me okay?" They said while the two of them walked out of the door.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything. I'll put my ringer on so I can hear if you try and call me." Viper said while pulling out his phone and turning the call notification sound up.

"Haha, okay. I'll see you at lunch." Dayne said before giving Viper a quick hug and leaving the building.

Viper made his way back to Sky to explain everything to him while Dayne, as promised, went to the field to blow up some targets.

*Fousing on Dayne*

Once they had set up all of the targets they moved back and allowed some of their anger to take over.

Both of their arms and hands went up in bright, large, hot flames.

"This is for being a bitch." They muttered as they make the first flame fly twards the first target.

Luckily the targets were reusable unless you did something really powerful to them.

The flame landed right on its mark, not that Dayne really noticed.

"This is for being a fake friend." They said a little louder than the last one, once again the flame hitting it's target.

"This is for betraying me." They said even louder than before, the flame also now larger than the last one.

They continued doing this, the flames getting bigger and bigger as their words got louder and louder before they threw their last fireball.

"AND THIS IS FOR TRYING TO RAPE ME YOU SICK FUCK!" They yelled as they threw their largest fireball, it was so large that it covered the entire target as well as went over it and set some grass on fire.

As the fire began to spread Dayne changed themself so instead of a raging fire, they had water in their hands.

They quickly put the fire out and then looked at all of their targets.

Three out of the ten of them were so burnt they wouldn't be able to be used anymore.

"Well that was therapeutic." Dayne mumbled as they collected the targets, everyone looking at them with either consurn, worry, or confusion considering most everyone was still out doing class.

On their way back into the school they threw the three broken targets away before walking to their room to put up the other seven.

When they opened the door they saw Alya standing in the room with her favorite teacher/Counsler Mr.Wilson standing with her.

They froze.

"Why did you attack Alay?" He asked once he saw Dayne at the door...

1,056 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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