Chapter 24

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⚠️Cussing, someone being flustered, kissing, yelling (but in a happy way(?)), someone being poisned, being sick, throwing up, people being worried, someone passing out⚠️

*The next morning*

Sky woke up first and instantly wanted to go back to sleep. He was warm, comfortable, and felt safe.

"Morning." Viper said, his morning voice deeper than normal sending shivers down Sky's spine.

"M-morning." He stuttered back as he cuddled closer to him.

"What time is it?" Viper asked while picking up his phone, instantly being blinded by the light.

"No clue." Sky replied not seeing Viper's phone incident.

"Seven fifteen, well we don't have to be there until eight thirty, do you want to go back to sleep?" Viper asked as he put his phone back onto the night stand.

"We could or we could talk about that kiss like you wanted to." Sky replied, still not moving from his cuddling position.

"Well would you like to sleep more?" Viper did want to talk about the kiss but he also wanted to make sure Sky was fully awake for it.

"No its fine, I'm awake now." Sky said as he sat up feeling much more awake than he did last night.

"Okay." Viper replied leaving the two in an awkward silence for a moment.

"Was the kiss just to get her away or did it mean more for you?" Viper asked after a minute.

Sky was startled by the question as his face instantly grew a blush that ran up his neck and to the tip of his ears.

"That depends on how you will react." Sky replied as he kept his gaze down on the bed sheets.

"I'm going to take that as it meant more to you, am I correct?" Viper asked with a small smirk.

"I- um... yeah..." Sky stuttered really hoping that Viper wouldn't be grossed out by him.

"It meant more to me too." Viper said softly as he placed his fingers under Sky's chin, lifting it up so their eyes could meet.

Sky's eyes widened slightly in shock, did Viper really like him back?!

"Would you be my boyfriend?" Viper asked looking calm and confident on the outside but on the inside he was a nervous wreck.

"I- yes! I mean yeah, I would like that." Sky said, tripping over his own words making Viper chuckle at how cute he was.

"Can I kiss you?" Viper asked knowing that consent is very important seeing as they just started dating. He didn't want to scare the boy off.

Instead of verbally replying Sky gave a small nod.

Both of their eyes fluttered shut as Viper connected their lips.

This kiss was nothing like their first kiss, this kiss was sweet and pure, it was full of love and no lust.

Sky's hands found their way in Viper's hair as Viper wrapped his arms back around Sky's waist, pulling him onto his lap.

"HOLY HELL! I DIDN'T NEED TO SEE THAT!" Dayne yelled as they quickly covered their eyes with their hands.

The couple separated from the kiss with blushes as Viper glared at Dayne for ruining the moment.

"What do you want?" Viper asked Dayne trying to not let his annoyed tone slip through his words.

"I was coming to get you two for breakfast but you two are clearly hungry for something different." Dayne replied with a smirk before it clicked in their mind.

"WAIT YOU TWO JUST KISSED! DOES THAT MEAN YOUR DATING NOW?!" They yelled with hope showing in all of their features.

"Yeah, we are together." Viper said with a small smile as he felt Sky smile on his shoulder (where he was cuddled up to him).

"OMG! IT TOOK YOU TWO LONG ENOUGH!!!" Dayne yelled happily with a large grin.

"Oh shut up." Viper muttered with a chuckle.

"We really should get to breakfast now though, classes start in an hour." Dayne said before leaving the room.

Sky sat up, lifting his head from Viper's shoulder before getting off of his lap and grabbing his clothes to go and change.

Viper got up as well and changed quickly before they both left for the Cafeteria.

"Do you want to make our relationship public or keep it between us three?" Sky asked as they walked down the hallway.

"Well considering half of the school saw us make out yesterday I think public would be fine." Viper replied with a chuckle when he saw how red Sky blushed.

"Okay." Sky said before lacing his hand with Viper's.

Once they reached the cafeteria some people gave them confused looks but others didn't pay them any mind.

They all sat down and were shocked when their table was the first called to get their breakfast.

*Once they have their food*

"So how did you two getting together?" Dayne asked as Sky stole a peice of bacon from Viper's plate because he forgot to get any for himself.

"Well *cough* I-" Sky cut himself off by taking a sip of water as Dayne and Viper looked at him with consern.

"Sky did you eat Viper's food?!" Someone yelled from a table beside them.

Sky nodded as he didn't trust his voice at the moment, his throat felt crazy dry even with the water.

"NO! That was meant for Viper not you!" Was the last think Sky heard before he passed out, falling towards Viper.

Dayne looked wide eyed at Sky before looking over at the person who had been yelling only to see Alya looking worried.

"Fuck, we need to get him to the nurse now." Dayne said as Viper picked Sky's limp body up.

The two rushed to the nurse's area quickly, not knoticing Alya following behind them.

They burst through the doors instantly drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

"He was poisoned from something someone put in my food, he ate some and then passed out. If I had known that it was poisoned then I would have burned it." Viper said quickly while placing Sky onto one of the beds.

The nurse nodded before hovering her hands over Sky, trying trying see what poisen it was and if it will do any real damage to the poor boy or not.

When her eyes stopped glowing she lowered her hands and rushed off to get some medicine instantly working Viper and Dayne more than they already were...

1,069 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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