Chapter 20

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People being scared, crying, cussing, yelling, protective Viper⚠️
"That doesn't matter, I just came for him." She said before grabbing Sky's wrist...

Viper instantly wrapped botb of his arms around Sky's waist and pulled the boy close to his chest.

"Your going to have to do a lot more than that to try and take him." Viper said with a hard glare at the girl as Sky escaped her grasp.

She huffed and stomped her foot on the ground.

"Look, it's just me you idiots. I wanted to know why you two have been avoid me like the plague." The girls said while snapping her fingers and showing who she really was.

"Alya?!" Sky asked shocked as to why she would go so far to just talk to him.

Viper's grip tightened on Sky as his glare stayed the way it was.

"Yeah it's me, now I want answers!" She said before someone came jumping down the hallway.

"Viper! Sky! You won't believ-" Dayne cut themself off when they saw Alya.

Their eyes widened when she turned twards them.

"You too! I want answers from you all!" She said as she took a step twards Dayne.

Viper grabbed her shoulder stopping her as Dayne took a step back.

"We will all talk over lunch, by now we will almost be late." He stated calmly before he grabbed Dayne's hand and wrapped an arm around Sky protectively.

Alya huffed but agreed and so they all walked twards the cafeteria.

Right once they all sat down, Alya on one side of the table whole Viper was sitting imbetween Sky and Dayne on the other side, Alya started talking.

"I want answers now. No bullshit either." She said her voice full of venom.

"Easy, because you told us not to talk to you and to stay away. We were just keeping our end of the deal." Viper replied with an eyeroll.

Alya looked shocked for a second before looking annoyed again.

"That doesn't mean I actually meant it! You of all people should know that I say stuff that I don't mean all of the time." She weakly attempted to defend only to get an eyeroll from Dayne this time.

"Oh yeah like how you talked behind my back saying that I will always be a girl even after fighting someone for calling me one. For the longest time I thought that you were actually a good person and that you were truly trying to stick up for me but in reality you were just playing me like so many others did." Dayne snapped making Alya's eyes widen. She didn't know that Dayne knew about that.

"W-what do you mean? I would never!" She asked trying to keep up her act. Orignal she really was defending Dayne but after their fight she started talking to other people and saying rude things.

She didn't know if she meant them or not but for now she needed to make Dayne think that she didn't mean them.

"I heard you talking to an entire group of girls about how I'm nothing but an attention seaking whore. How I'm actually a girl and just want to draw attention to myself and make myself a name so I can be popular. How all I want is popularity when you KNOW that I HATE a lot attention and eyes on me!" Dayne ranted, angry tears falling from their eyes.

Sky and Viper's eyes widened appon hearing this. They had no clue Alya had done any of this.

Sky got up and hugged Dayne and started whispering sweet nothingness into their ear while Viper turned to Alya.

"What the fuck?! How could you do that?! You know how insecure they are! I thought you protected them at all cost! Now your tearing them down? What the actual fuck?!" Viper yelled, slaming his hands onto the table, drawing the attention of the majority of the cafeteria.

"I don't know what she is talking about! I would never do that!" Alay attempted to defend but only fucking up more.

"You JUST missgendered them! Go away and don't come back before I start to get violent." Viper growled out, by now the cafeteria was completely silent.

Alya's eyes watered as a few tears slipped out. "But you guys are my only friends." She whispered, her voice cracking mid sentence.

"Well to fucking bad, you should have thought about that before you went and stabbed Dayne in the back. Now go away." Viper said, his tone venomous not showing her any pitty at all.

That was the last straw, she burst into tears as she ran out of the cafeteria, running into a few people on the way thanks to the tears fogging her vision.

"What are you all staring at?!" Viper yelled at everyone. They all instantly went back to what they had been doing before and didn't dare look at the three of them for the rest of lunch.

"Are you okay?" Viper asked Dayne gently as they pulled out of the hug with Sky.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Thanks." Dayne said with a small week smile before hugging Viper.

Normally he wasn't comfortable with hugging people or people hugging him (unless it was Sky) but right now he decided to make an acception.

He wrapped his arms around their upped back, close to their shoulders as they rested their head on Viper's shoulder.

"Anytime." Viper mumbled before looking up at Sky.

"Is your wrist okay? She grabbed it rather tight earlier." He asked making Sky look down at his wrist having already forgotten about the incident.

It had a large dark purple bruises starting to form on it making his eyes widen slightly.

Now that he had seen it, it started to hurt. Merlin how he hated when that happened. He would be completely fine until he saw that he was injured then he would be in pain.

"Yeah my wrist is fine." Sky lied as he put it back down, allowing his sleeve to go over it and hid it from Viper.

Viper looked at him clearly not believing what he was being told but decided that he wouldn't push it right now.

Dayen pulled away from the hug and sat back down, now imbetween Sky and Viper.

"Could about we talk about something to distract me? Please?" Dayen asked while keeping their eyes on the table.

"Of course, what do you want to talk about?" Sky said as he plopped down onto the seat next to Dayne.

"How did you two end up in the same bed last night? Did something bad or did one of you just want to cuddle again?" Dayne asked with consern yet amusement.

"Oh... well Viper helped me wash my hair and back last night in the shower and so when he got out of the shower himself I thanked him but hugging him. He just so happened to be on his bed and we were both comfortable and tired so we fell asleep. Nothing bad." Sky explained making Dayne raise a brow.

"Helped you wash your hair and back? Did you two shower together or something?" Dayne joked thinking the answer was going to be no.

"Well yeah, I thought that was self explanatory." Sky giggled making Dayne's eyes widen.

"Wait really?!" They yelled while looking over at Viper who was blushing.

"Yeah, we were saving water." He muttered as Dayne's mouth dropped agape.

"Holy shi-

1,250 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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