Chapter 14: Singers Make the Best Apologies

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"Ugh, don't make me think about him?" I sighed, lying down on the floor.

"What'd he do? I swear, if he hurt you, I will kick him so hard he won't be able to have kids." Claire said seriously.

"Don't worry, Harry will take care of that for you. But anyways, its a long story."

"I got time." She smiled, lying down next to me, biting into a chocolate.

"Well, we were out and some fans hurt me, so I yelled at them. Then when we got home, Louis told me to be nicer to them, and then I argued that they deserved it. And then he blurted out that they are more important to him than I am." I gulped, thinking about him.

"Wow, what a jerk."

"No. I know he didn't mean to say that, I can tell. And I want to forgive him, I just don't know if he'll take me back now. It's been almost a week, and I think he's finally given up on me."

"You really like him, don't you?" she smiled at me.

"Yeah, I do." I giggled.

"Well then, I have a plan. And I'm pretty sure by tomorrow night, everything will be perfect between you, Louis, and the fans." she smirked, patting my back.

"And how do you plan to do that?" I asked.

Claire got up and rummaged through her purse. Her eyes lit up when she found what she was looking for and she skipped back over to me.

"Here" she said, handing me a white envelope.

"What is it?" I wondered.

"Well why don't you open it and figure it out?" we laughed and I lifted up the flap to take out two small pieces of thick paper.

"Concert tickets? For the guy's show tomorrow night?"

"Yep." she smiled at me.

"What are you thinking Claire Bear?" I giggled.

"Come on, we need to go shopping." she said, dragging me out of our room and to one of the boys cars.

"Why do we need to go shopping?" I asked, getting in the car.

"To get something for you to wear to the concert!" she smiled, backing out of the driveway.

"But I'm not going."

"Yes you are. Me and Harry will take care of everything, don't worry."

"Oh, so this is what Harry was talking about earlier!" I smiled.

"Maybe. Come on, the mall closes in an hour." she dragged me into the first store we saw.


"What about this one?" Claire said, holding up an ugly purple dress.

"Ew, no. Why do I have to dress up?" I said, looking through racks of clothing.

"Just go with it okay! Stop asking questions and find something cute!" she giggled.

We went to a few others stores until I completely lost hope.

"Claire, this is really nice of you to do, but I seriously don't think I'm ever going to find anything." I sighed, looking through the last rack of the store.

"Fine, we can go, right after you try this on." she smiled and help up a pretty cream colored dress.

"Okay, but don't get your hopes up." I smiled, taking it and walking over to a dressing room

Look After You - A Louis Tomlinson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now