Chapter 44: Distracted

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(Ashley's POV)

I woke up the next morning in Claire's king size bed. At first, I wasn't sure why. But then I remembered the events from the previous evening. I shivered just thinking about it. Even if Claire was snoring right next to me, I felt lonely and scared. I looked down and noticed how bruised my arms and legs were. Thank God I didn't bleed, then I would be back in the hospital. But the bruises were still bad enough. Claire stirred and I tried to keep her from waking up, since she wasn't a morning person. Surprisingly, she quick got up and looked over at me, eyes almost wide open.

"Morning Sunshine." I said.

"Yeah, I know. This is weird. So how are you?"

"Well, I have cancer, my boyfriend dumped me, and I was just pretty much raped by my ex-best friend who has a really creepy crush on me."

"Wait, hold on. Louis dumped you? When did this happen and when can I beat this boy?" she said and I almost laughed.

"Yeah. He saw that picture of Matt and I kissing, you knew that. Why are you surprised? And you shouldn't beat him up, he didn't do anything wrong." I sighed.

"Well, he was the one that told me you were in danger. Without him.. well.. you know what would've happened." Was she telling the truth? Maybe.

"Yes well, I'm sure he would've helped me even if he hated me. Louis is a good guy, Claire, so what significance does that have?"

"Well, after we found you, I told him you were safe and asleep. He said to tell you that he loved you. Now I'm no relationship expert, but I think that implies that he loves you." she smirked. Normally, I would push her over. Instead, I sat there and looked out into space. Louis still loved me? Even after I hurt him? Gosh, why would he do that? I mean, I still love him and I would do anything to get him back, but I'm just shocked that he said that.

"I'm confused." I sighed and rubbed my head from all the confusion, not to mention the major headache I had from hitting the wall so hard last night.

"You're confused? How do you think I feel? You guys seriously need to talk, or seek some psychiatric help because frankly I can't do this anymore. You two are perfect for each other, but I just don't think I should keep getting in the middle of it. I'll find my own relationship, thank you very much."

"Sounds good, Claire. Because no offense, I would prefer that you weren't involved in my relationship." she laughed at that and I managed a smile.

"So... breakfast? Jake's downstairs and he's probably making something." I nodded. Jacob is Claire's older brother. He's in his fourth year of college at Stanford. Downstairs, we found Jacob in the kitchen working on what looked to be French toast.

"What's cooking good looking?" Claire asked and Jacob laughed. They had always had a close relationship, more like best friends than siblings.

"French toast, thunder-thighs. Mind setting some plates, forks, and knives out on the table?" he asked and she headed over to another end of the kitchen to grab the plates and utensils.

"So, where are your parents?" I asked, looking around the house noticing that both their mom and dad were missing.

"They went on a cruise two days ago. Coming back in a week." Jacob answered.

"Which means... party all night long!!!" she set a plate down and began doing some awkward dance, a cross between raising the roof and the Harlem shake.

"Yes, Claire, because we all know you're the party type. I don't think you've ever had a raging party like Ashley has." Jake pointed to me and I blushed.

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