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Yeonjun and Beomgyu closed the Gisaeng house in time, the customers are all escorted by the Kisaeng ladies to their respective bedchambers.

" Beom, I'll be gone by tomorrow to meet a trader, is there anything you want from the mainland? " Yeonjun asked Beomgyu who was silently closing the windows.

" Hmm, I'm good hyung, I don't need anything, thank you "  Beomgyu replied with a cute smile on his face.

" Really? Anything, just tell me, hyung's gonna get it for you " Yeonjun insisted since he wants to gift something from his brother, as a repay from his hardwork and obedient actions.

Beomgyu can't find anything to request so he just refused, he also didn't want his Yeonjun hyung to spend money for him. Having this Gisaeng house as his workplace, and Home is more than enough, he couldn't ask for more.

" Just one thing..." Beomgyu suddenly spoke.

" What is it? " Yeonjun finally lit up his eyes, excited to hear what Beomgyu's gonna wish for.

" Please get home safe " Beomgyu softly said locking his eyes on Yeonjun. The Older's eyes started to draw circles of tears, he's too grateful to have a brother like Beomgyu.

" I will, and I'll make it quick for you. I still don't want you to get too much attached with that yangban, ugh, he annoys me. " Yeonjun says with a sassy tone making Beomgyu crack a chuckle.

" What's the beef? he's nice though and so dreamy, and manly..." Beomgyu said counting his fingers as he daydream to recall the Yangban's face.

" It's not that I'm mad, im just not used to see you having a romatic 'fvcking' affair inside of my own house " Master Yeonjun quoted the word of sex making Beomgyu slap his shoulders.

" Blame him, he's so–"  Beomgyu was cut off.

" I don't want to hear it. Now off to bed, in your own chamber youngman if i saw you sneaking out I'll gonna end that freaking Yangban." Yeonjun stated making Beomgyu chuckles and run into the halls.

Of course, knowing Beomgyu he didn't even care about the rules, he was very stubborn.

On his way, he can't help but to feel excited, he doesn't even know what's going to happen tonight but it's best to just go with it.

Arriving at the Yangban's Bed chamber, " My Lord, it's me Beomgyu " Beomgyu softly said.

A voice answered and order him to head inside the chamber. He was surprised to saw the Yangban in his spectacles, busy writing on his notebook.

" Come sit with me " Taehyun said patting the mat beside him. Beomgyu was hesitant to do so since as a low class he must stand not sit beside of a high class personnel. It was new for him, Yangban Taehyun treat him as he was in the same rank.

Beomgyu sit across the Yangban, making it raise a brow. " I said here with me " The servant quickly obey and sat beside Taehyun.

" I summon you here because i found out that you're incredibly good at reading but you can't write. So pick this up and listen carefully " Taehyun said making Beomgyu shock from all of it.

" My lord I'm not allowed to learn and also this will make you in trouble "

Yangban Taehyun sigh, removing his spectacles from his eyes " Where are we right now? "

Beomgyu take a minute to answer and glad he answered right" At your bed chamber my lord "

" Is there anyone else here to order you except me? " Taehyun asked furiously.

Beomgyu move his head as an answer of "none"

" Good, now grab that brush and start writing your surname " Beomgyu did what the Yangban commended him to do so. He grab the brush and start dripping it into the ink for use.

" Trace the Characters carefully and don't grip the brush too hard, just relax your body and concentrate. Don't be afraid to get it wrong, I'm here " Yangban Taehyun said soothingly, making Beomgyu smile at him and start writing.

Beomgyu got the characters right but he wrote it so tiny making Taehyun find it hard to read.

" Can we do something bigger than this? " Taehyun said instructing the servant but still in his second attempt the characters are getting even more smaller.

Taehyun stretch his arms and place it to support Beomgyu's hand, The Yangban together with Beomgyu's hand move in sync, creating a normal size of the characters.

Beomgyu can't concentrate enough, the Yangban was backhugging him and their hands are place together with the brush. He can also felt the warm tickling breath of Taehyun behind his ear.

" Can i do it freely my lord? " Beomgyu asked nicely and Taehyun slowly remove his hand away from Beomgyu.

After few attempts Beomgyu finally wrote his name, and he quickly got memorize all the characters.

" You did great, continue to do this in your leisure time to improve the characters. You did so well! Great job. " Beomgyu got complimeted by Yangban Taehyun which makes him blush uncontrollably.

The Yangban collect the brushes and pad as they finish, he also grab a piece of cloth to wipe the excess ink in Beomgyu's hand. Beomgyu can't find words to say, he was so flustered and his tongue was twisted.

" All right we're done " As Beomgyu heard this from Taehyun, he quickly stood up and bow to leave but the Yanban didn't let him to.

Taehyun with his hands quickly wrapped around Beomgyu's waist, the right height gives the Yangban a right access to whisper on his ear.

" Please, stay with me " Beomgyu melted with Taehyun's sweet voice and just let the Yangban hug him as he froze on his feet.

Taehyun spin Beomgyu gently enable for their eyes to meet. As for Taehyun he didn't want to overdo the servant he just wanted to have some time with him without doing something intimate.

Beomgyu was lead towards the mat, Taehyun remove their head accessories enable to prepare to bed.

The Yangban make sure that the blanket will wrap nicely on the servant, he also make sure that he's hugging the servant right, will full affection and some sort of love.

" Will i still see you beside me until morning? " The Yangban asked softly.

Beomgyu flash a genuine smile and replied with his will " Yes, My Lord "

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