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" LINE UP! " A loud horn was heard followed by a intense shout which totally woke up all the Yangbans, including Taehyun.

The Yangban's quickly form in line with their messy hanboks and hair, obviously unprepared.

" What a shame, I'm so disgusted " The new Minister said as he got off from his chair palaquin. " Minister Ki, spoiled you a lot i see, but that would not work for me. From now on i would lead this school, and you will exactly follow my orders, failing to do so and the consequences can maybe severe " 

Taehyun roll his hand into a fist as he lower his head, the new minister has them on neck. This isn't fair.

The Minister signalled his men and they all walk towards the students to handle their schedules, " You'll be attending literally class for only an hour and the rest will be your errands for combat. Also, you're now receiving 2 free days instead of the normal 4. "  The Minster's men stated making the Yangban's gasp in shock.

Taehyun almost crumpled the paper but he tried his best to calm down. Suddenly Another Yangban barked out to protest " What combat? we're under the civil services primary aiming the position for the royal court, and 2 days of leisure is not fair– AH! "

All the Yangbans eyes got in terror when the Minister's men pulled out his sword, in one hit, the Yangban drew blood from his neck, dead.

Taehyun clearly saw what happen, and it makes him angry even more. He thought that this is getting more brutal, by that, he should plans his actions carefully. Clearly, this is why Minister Ki pleased him to just leave and give up everything, it's going to be bloody.

" Pity. Is there anyone else who wants to speak? " The Minister chuckled and all went silent, but not in Taehyun's mind, he freaking wants to scream his anger but not yet, for now he needs to wait.

" You should all get ready, combat class will be in a few, your appropriate amors can be found in your respective cabins. Dismiss! " The Minister, and the Yangbans proceed to their own chambers.

As for Taehyun, He can't help but to stare at his co-yangban– lifelessly bleeding on the ground. He felt pain, anger and a bit sorry. Taehyun sigh and when he's about to leave his eyes found the New Minister staring him, but Taehyun quickly advert his eyes and proceed to his room.


" Your combat skills will be tested today and we will be having special rules today, if you succeed to defeat my men then I'll let you pass but if you lose, you will receiving a severe penalty " The Minister stated making the Yangbans curse in their heads.

" Master Kang, " Suddenly a Yangban secretly spoke to Taehyun " You're one of the Yangbans who learned martial arts, if you succeed and kill his men we will not be able to compete. "  The student please Taehyun in his fear and Taehyun also think of the same idea.

If Taehyun can win this match at the first place the students mostly the young ones will not be able to suffer anymore, but if he also lose this battle,  not only him but probably all will get the penalty.

Taehyun just look up on the Minister's men they're all have bulk bodies and massive muscles, and he bet that they're all great in sword or fist fight. The Yangban look in the sky to take a breath, and he close his eyes.

" Father, what's the point of me learning martial arts ? " Taehyun said as he play his wooden sword.

His father smile at him and kiss his forehead " It is a skill that you must have, enable to protect yourself or the others who needs help "

" Just like how you protect mother too when you said she's captured by the bad guards? " Taehyun's father froze right on spot, circle of tears formed into his eyes as he face his little Taehyun asking.

" Yes. "  His father said in a shaky tone, " Then I'll learn how to fight too, i want to protect you too father! and our people " Taehyun grab  his sword steady, having the gift that his parents gave him, his dedication and passion.

Taehyun opened his eyes and he can see the bright clouds, " can i do it father? " Taehyun whispered.

" Is there anyone here who wants to go first? " The minister asked and all ghe Yangban stay in silent.

" How very disapponti– " The minister was cut off with his words.

" I " Taehyun step his feet into the battle ground, making the students gasp and the guards laugh.

The Minister drew a playful smile on his face as he scan Taehyun from head to toe. " And who's this brave fine man who dare to cut me of ? "

" He's one of the Top Yangbans, and  according to few he was very close to the former Minister, He is Kang Taehyun my lord " The men stated making the new minister to smile in awe.

" Oh, are you certain, can you last long? " The new minister chuckled making Taehyun stare sharply at him

" I'm here to make a deal " Taehyun said bravely, making the new minister  walk out from his seat to face him

" What deal would you like to offer me? " The Minister asked slowly resting his hands on Taehyun's chest armor.

Taehyun grab the hand gently and remove it from his chest " If i win, this combat lesson is over, means no more yangban will be casted to fight. "

" And if you lose, are you willing to receive my punishment, Master Kang ? " The Minister said having a smug smile in his face, basically a face that Taehyun wants to punch.

" On it " Taehyun walk backwards as he playa a smile on his face. The minister just smile back and he order to begin the fight.

3 massive mens are in front of Taehyun, they're all handling a sword but the other one did not.

Taehyun quickly pulled his sword, handling it steady, just like his father thought him, agility, speed and heart. Now, he's ready to fight.

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