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Dawn. Yeonjun travels far to north surpassing the mainland until he finally arrived on a valley of flowering fields.

Yeonjun collect flowers as he walks, surely he pick white and yellow flowers to form a bouquet.

The path he take leads him into a tomb. It is where his heart lies, it's the graveyard of his one and only love.

Yeonjun kneel on the grass, as he present the flowers on the tomb " It's been a while, H-aemin " The older burst out in tears as he spoke his past lovers name, memories came back in instant, penetrating his heart in pain.

It was a cold winter but for Yeonjun it's not as long as he has Haemin's warmth in his arms. Kim Haemin, a beautiful name for a beautiful man, Yeonjun was captivated by this Yangban, and likewise Haemin was fallen deeply into Yeonjun's charm.

Everything was perfect for the two, they spend their time learning together, cuddling in the fields and even enjoying the best nights of their lives.

Breaking the rules, the two decided to left the Yangban class. They built their own house far away from the mainland, fulfilling their dreams together with love.

But their peaceful life ended soon as Haemin's family found out that he quit his dream to become a Royal Court Minister just to be with Yeonjun.

By the anger of Haemin's father, Military troupes ambush their house and forced to get Haemin. Yeonjun of course didn't let that happen, he tries to stop the troupes even though he was already bleeding from the blade cuts.

" Please, I beg you my Lord , Don't take Haemin from me, please " Yeonjun was on the ground bleeding as he saw Haemin tied by the ropes beside his father's horse.

" My Son is a male! I don't know what kind of evil did you put into my son's mind but i won't tolerate this actions. It's best if you don't see each other ever again"

Haemin's father stated and ordered his men to shoot an arrow to meet Yeonjun's death.

Yeonjun cried as he saw Haemin crying. He never saw him cry for the years they spend together,  he always assure that all that he can see was Haemin's happiness. And for the younger, Yeonjun was the reason of his smiles.

Yeonjun knows that this might be the end of him, and he might not ever see Haemin again. But until with his last breath he wants to show how much he love Haemin.

" Even if i die, i will not deny my love for your son, his existence complete me as a person, he was brighter than the morning sun, his hands will be always fit in my mine, and our hearts will always be at sync. Kim Haemin, if this is end, i want to say, I-i love you, can we meet in my next life? if yes i would be very grateful. "

Yeonjun cried as he felt the bows burying deep inside his flesh. The pain was unbearable for Yeonjun, it's not just the pain of torture, but also the outmost pain that he felt on his heart.

" Father stop! Father please" Haemin cried holding his chest, he wants to run but his father's men is holding him so tight, preventing him to move.

Haemin's father signal his troupes to shoot him now on the head, wanting to end the ties between his son and Yeonjun.

Yeonjun whisper the world " love " on Haemin as he close his eyes shot, The arrows quickly dig into Yeonjun's back.

Haemin on his force got free from the guard's grip. He quickly run to cover Yeonjun's body and right on time the arrows shoot directly into Haemin's back and neck.

Haemin spilled blood from his mouth as he turned around to face his father, " Our love is unseparable ". Haemin collapsed beside Yeonjun's body, both are unconscious nor dead....

" I'm so sorry if i haven't visit you often. Yes, 2 years but still it's unbearable for me to see you beneath this ground. " Yeonjun stated as he caresses the rock tomb of his past lover.

" If i also die in that day, wouldn't it be so good to be buried in the same ground with you? " Yeonjun chuckled softly but tears are continuously falling from his eyes.

Every night, Yeonjun was asking himself the reason why the heavens let him live once more and why does Haemin have to leave him. Guess up until now, he didn't find any answers, that's why he still keep the burden inside his heart.

" But don't worry, I will try to live happily for you. I hope we can meet in our next lifetime, so we can continue to love "

For Yeonjun, No one can replace Haemin in his life, Haemin will always be his first and last.

Yeonjun bowed and kiss the grave rock of his lover, He cast a few more prayers for Haemin's soul and walk out of the fields, keeping their promises inside his Heart.


Arriving at the mainland, as the route on his way home, he decided to at least buy something for Beomgyu as a gift.

Yeonjun walk around the market and side stores, in hopes of finding an idea what to get for Beomgyu.

But Suddenly a familiar voice interrupt his concentration " Master Yeonjun! "

Yeonjun turn around to see the Handsome Merchant from his back, it's Soobin

" Master Soobin, It's nice to see you again, are you with Master Kai? " Yeonjun greeted the merchant and the merchant bowed back.

" Yes, my love- I mean Master Kai is busy negotiating with a famous restaurant over there "  Soobin slipped with his words making Yeonjun chuckle a bit due to his cuteness. " Ah haha, I see "

The merchant sense that puffy eyes and nose of the older, so he was kinda worried if Yeonjun was not feeling well or he cried hard to have thar puffy features on his face. Out of curiosity Soobin finally asked the older. " Forgive me master, You look like a dumpling dough, is there anything you want to talk or drink about? "

Yeonjun got taken a back, he didn't expect those kind words from the merchant. And in his years of existence, only Haemin and Beomgyu had the courageous heart to ask and care for him. Guess that he can add Soobin on the list? maybe not.

" Ah! I'm having a slight cold, you know i got myself overdo on the spring " Yeonjun quickly covered it up, finding the merchant nod in satisfaction.

" But, what's bring you around? " Soobin asked nicely already dropping the previous topic.

" I was looking for a nice gift for Mr. Choi, he rarely ask one so i wanna surprise him " Yeonjun said making Soobin nodded in awe.

" Do you perhaps need help? i know a Norigae shop over there, they create the best one and it really clears negativities in our business " Soobin offered grabbing Yeonjun's Arm inside the shop.

Yeonjun didn't complain from Soobin's grip and let the merchant to help him. After all it's not a bad idea.



Norigae is a lucky charm put in the hanbok that protects the wearer from misfortune. The designs of the charm symbolises the wearer's wishes for fertility, long life and wealth.

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