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 The servants tightened and gently wrap the robe into the young male's body, the decorations and accessories was placed neatly on his overall outfit. Patterns of golden dragon and several vine stitches were seen in his robe, it was elegantly simple and not over-do.

Moving towards to his face, the servant haven't done much cause the boy was stunning in his own and natural way.

After Finishing all of the preparations, the male move out from his room. Surprised by Hundreds of people cheering loudly, smiles were plastered on their faces and their glistening eyes on glee.

" Rejoice to the return of the Prince!"

Compliments, Lot's of them. The male walk down the aisle seeing all of the constituents bow as he pass through. He was flustered yet a bit unhappy for the sudden changes in the way of his living.

"My King, The Prince has arrived." The escort stated and lead the doors open for him.

As soon as the King saw his son, he got very delighted and happy. Clearly, The old man can't even find words to express how much grateful he was.

"Beomgyu, my son looks so great, just like your mother" The King stated and Beomgyu gently bowed in front of him.

"Did you saw the gifts that people sent you? oh did you like your chamber? how about your servants, escorts, are you comfortable with them?? Tell me right away what you want nor need I'll give it to you" The King stated excitingly, like a true father who longs for his son for a long time.

Beomgyu wasn't sure to speak, but he can only provide two answers on his father's question ' No and Kang Taehyun'

"Father I– " But before the male could be able to speak a knock was heard behind them

"Your Majesty, Commander Choi has arrived" The doors open revealing a fine man with a full armor gear, a wide smile was curve as the met each other's eyes.

" Hyung! " Beomgyu rushed towards the older and hug him tightly however Yeonjun got a lil bit embarrassed cause the King was watching them cuddling.

The King laugh on his sight and sighed, He may not be with Beomgyu for the years of his living but he is glad that someone look after him and took care of him like a real family.

"Beom your father is watching, let go now and don't give me that face, no crying ! " Yeonjun simply whisper on Beomgyu's ear and the younger chuckled as he let go on his brother.

Yeonjun bowed politely at the King " High respect to King and Prince, I'm here to state my gratitude for bringing back my rank on Goryeo. As a Commander assigned, Our treaty will be unbreakable, Goryeo is now back on it's original state because of this new alliance. We owe you." Yeonjun said bowing again to the King

" The rank was really meant for you, and Thank you as well for loving and taking care of my son. I owe you a lot Commander Choi" The King said nicely making Yeonjun smile

That moment break when another knock was heard from their backs, Beomgyu almost curse on his breath due to the boredom and foot aches that he felt from the shoe that he is wearing.

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