chapter 35: I want to stay with daddy

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Adam Yilmaz POV

"Are you...I mean... is this? Am I..."

"Adam? Are you okay?" Lena took a step back and inspected my features "Adam talk to me?"

I couldn't talk to her, I couldn't find the right words to say. I looked into her eyes, I really looked into the deep of her blue eyes and could see my future right in front of me. Everything I've ever wanted right in front of me.

I looked back to the box she gave me and let out a small chuckle as I took out a white baby romper. "Hello, Daddy!" I read out loud and let out another chuckle. I studied the box and saw two different test sticks both marking positive. There was also a cute little card.

"The only thing better than having you in my life will be our baby having you as a dad" Lena Smiled as I read her words out loud. I set the box on the floor and pulled her to me giving her a bone-crushing hug burying my nose into her soft wavy hair.

"Lena, tonight you made me the happiest man alive! You can't even begin to imagine how surprised I am" I couldn't contain the tiny tear of joy that escaped the corner of my eye. "I'm overjoyed and grateful for having you in my life, my future wife and mother of my children"

Lena wiped away her tears and cupped my face gently before shutting me up with a kiss. I presumed she couldn't trust her voice at the moment due to all the emotions flying around us. I knew how much it meant for her to have a baby, we've been trying for a while and her not being able to fall pregnant was becoming a burden on her pure heart.

"You'll be the greatest mother in the whole universe" I whispered against her cheek before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. She was still silent but I knew she was as happy as I was, maybe even more. "I know this because you already are a great mother. I've seen you with Emily, you took her in and treated her like your own. You..."

Again, Lena shut me up with another kiss, but this time she was more determined as she kissed me hard and long until we were both out of breath.

"Adam just shut up will you?" She grinned breathing hard "I love you! I can't believe we're pregnant! After everything, I kind of lost hope. When I took the first test, I couldn't believe it and tried many other brands, they all came back positive. I didn't want to tell you at first, I wanted to surprise you and Emily together, but I couldn't keep it to myself. You are an amazing dad, and our kids, including Emily, will be so lucky to have you. Just like I am."

I took her hand in mine "I promise to always be there for you and our babies; I'll always put you before anything else. You can count on me Lena, I'll be with you all the way."

"I know you will, and I know being a parent can be scary, but we're managing just fine with Emily, and I'm not scared of having a baby because I have you. My backbone, my rock, my everything." She pulled me down and I rested my forehead on hers.

On our way home, Lena made me stop at five different pastry shops just because she was so happy and wanted to celebrate. Since she couldn't have any alcohol, she chose to celebrate with any kind of dessert she was able to find. It was so cute to watch her pick Turkish pastries she never had before, she seemed hesitant, yet was determined to try them all. All the way home she kept looking at her ring and back at me. When I would catch her looking she would blush and look away. She seemed fidgety and giddy and bubbly. Saying I was happy to see her like that was an understatement. It had been so long since she genuinely laughed or smiled like that.

"Shhh don't make too much noise" She whispered yelled at me as I was battling with my house keys.

"Maybe, just maybe, instead of ordering me to be quiet, you could help me out with all these dessert boxes so I can properly open the door?"

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