Chapter 8: I always have and always will

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Adam Yilmaz POV

"Make me forget he ever touched me". I kept hearing her words in my head as I stared at her blankly.

"I can't do that Lena" I said softly not wanting to hurt her feelings.

"Please Adam I need to forget, help me forget Adam" she pleaded with more tears flowing down her cheeks.

"You just told me you weren't ready, I'm not doing this Lena"

"I wasn't ready for him. But I'm ready for you, please Adam be mine for just this night and we can forget all about it tomorrow"

I didn't know if it was the right thing to do. But for once, I didn't care, I wanted to be with her as much as she wanted to be with me. I wanted to worship her body the way she deserved.

I nodded and allowed her to strip me off my clothes, leaving me in my boxers. She went to the bed and lie down on her back watching me invitingly.

I paused for a moment, taking in the beautiful creature she was, well aware of my throbbing erection that was now making a tent in my boxers. I pulled them down and crawled in bed until I was facing her.

"You really want this?" I whispered my breath fanning her cheek.

"Please" it came out in a moan driving me insane. But I knew I had to be gentle after what she had been through. So I took my time in barely brushing my lips to hers while my hand roamed her shoulder. I pressed my lips to hers moaning at how good it felt to be this close to her again.

My hand found its way to her rights firm breast squeezing it, making her gasp. My tongue took the opportunity and delved in the warmth of her mouth, exploring it until it collided with hers. Our tongues danced together, turning our gentle kiss into a heated one. Never breaking the kiss, my hand caressed her body  going further down reaching her mound. With a finger I traced the lines of her pussy lips making her break the kiss for air. I left a trail of kisses from her cheek to her neck, going farther down to her breast, gently sucking and teasing her nipples. I gave the same treatment to the other one as my fingers worked on her core. I felt her breathing hitch, but didn't stop the teasing.

I honestly wanted to hear her beg. My fingers eased in and out of her wetness repeatedly.

"Adam..." she moaned my name arching her back "Adam please... I need you"

I spread her legs wide open, positioning myself between them. Without breaking eye contact, I licked her slit slowly making her buck her hips and moan my name again, louder this time. She half sat up as she supported her upper body on her elbows as she watched me while I ate her out until I thought she was ready enough to take me in letting out a few moan myself.

I put my rod on her core teasing her for a few seconds, but she was on fire and begged me to take her. Adjusting it on her slit, I let it slide slowly in and out a few times, wanting to take my time so I didn't hurt her.

Lena took me by surprise as she gripped my ass and pushed herself up making my cock thrust fully inside of her. She let out a cry of pain as tears slid down her soft cheeks. I kissed her tears away, not moving, giving her time to adjust to my size inside of her.

She found my lips and kissed me fiercely as she started moving under me wanting to feel more of me. Our bodies moved in sync, becoming one entity while we worked our way to climax.

I could feel her nails dug in my back scratching me, and I knew she was close to her orgasm, making me go faster and deeper, hitting her G-spot. She came around me, arching her back and moaning my name in pure pleasure, and that was it. It sent me to edge as I pulled out of her and came all over her sheets, feeling nothing but ecstasy. Pure bliss.

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