chapter 14: Beautiful stalker

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this chapter is dedicated to Crystalxoxo28

Adam Yilmaz POV

"I mean, she's not my fiancée for God Sake!" I didn't know where she got her information about Celine and I. At first I thought she was kidding but by the look on her face I could tell she was serious. But how did she even know about it? I didn't say anything to anyone.

"So you and that Turkish aren't engaged?"

I chuckled knowing too well what she was going to say before beauty.

"No Lena, we aren't engaged. Why would you even think that?"

"well, you two have been dating for the past two years, maybe more and now she's wearing a diamond ring as big as her head" She exclaimed making me laugh heartedly.

I reached out to her and held her shoulders softly looking into her beautiful green orbs.

"I've never dated Celine, she's just a friend" I said truthfully.

"Never?" she asked looking up at me with hope in her eyes.

"Never, we're just friends" I repeated again.


"Very close friends yes"

"Friends don't watch sunsets together while holding hands Adam, I can never forget that photo I saw a few years back"

I frowned raising an eyebrow at her "I remember blocking you on Instagram, how do you know about that photo?"

She blushed burying her face in my chest making me smirk. I already knew how, I just wanted to tease her a little. I missed this, me teasing her until she's blushing like a tomato.

"I may have made a fake account so I can stalk you on social medias"

I cracked a smile "I know 'gipsy girl', nice nickname by the way"

She pulled away and looked at me like a deer caught in the light "You knew!"

"I did, the minute you followed me actually. You are usually very smart but maybe you lost your touch? You added me everywhere from the same account in an instant. That seems very stalkerish to me"

We both laughed but she still looked embarrassed of me finding out about her fake account, so I needed to confess so she could take a breath.

"And Bruno Sid did a great job as well don't you think?" I winked at her while stroking her hair lightly.

Her eyes grew wide in excitement as she recognized the pseudonym.

"You stalked me too! But how come you're better at those things than I am?"

"Because I've always been smarter" I teased with a smirk.

She rolled her eyes at me and smacked me on the chest again "Now, beautiful stalker, care to explain why she has a ring and why you entered the ballroom as a couple? You even let the paparazzi snap pictures of you two! And don't change the subject you posted photos as if you two were a couple".

"As I said Lena, there is nothing between Celine and I. She is Kayra's best friend, my cousin who introduced us because we were all going to study architecture together. Apart from my uncle Karam and my cousins, I had no friends there so Celine and I hit it off pretty quick, and she's fun. Other than that..."

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