Chapter 11: Happy birthday to me

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Adam Yilmaz POV

I got off the podium eagerly wanting to join my family as they just watched me graduate. I did it! I was finally an architect. I grinned to myself as I was walking toward my grandpa but didn't make it. Someone tugged my graduation robe from behind making me slowly turn around and find Elise, Zachary and Mason.

It took me a few seconds to realize they made it! They were able to come. I was beyond happy at the moment as I hugged them tightly. Elise cried a little as she hugged me and Zachary started to joke about it to lift up her mood. I wasn't going to lie, I was a little disappointed Helena wasn't here with them even though I knew she would have never came. After four years of not seeing her, you would think I forgot about her and moved on like any normal person would have. But not me. I guess I'm not normal.

"I'm so proud of you Adam, I'm so proud of the man you've become"

"Thank you mom, it's all thanks to you, and dad"

We all went to my grandparents' house that day. Karam knew they were surprising me and had arranged a driver to get them directly here to the ceremony. It meant the world to me.

They only stayed for a couple days as they had to leave for Helena's graduation. But seeing them for two days was better than nothing. Throughout these four years I mostly saw Elise who would fly time she got a chance. Dad also visited frequently and Mason only came twice with Johnny D.

"Why don't you come back with us son? You're an architect now, and you also have a company to run. I'm getting old, I won't be able to run for long"

"Dad...I" I paused glancing at Elise who was looking at me expectantly "I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet" I looked down at my shoes while biting my lower lip. I didn't want to see sadness in mom's eyes.

"When will you be?" I was surprised by Mason who never said anything about this before.

"Mase, I will come back I promise. Just give me more time. Plus I promised grandpa I'll work for the family business for a while."

Elise hugged me tightly "I just want you to know that even if you decide to never come back, you'll always have a home, and a family in New York. Take care of yourself Adam, and good luck with everything" she grabbed her handbag and walked through the airport doors.

I felt my heart was shattering in a million pieces but I knew she was feeling the same. I looked at dad who just shrugged and hugged me briefly before following Elise leaving Mason and I.

"If you really love her, go back to her. Don't wait until it's too late bro" he walked away clearly not pleased with my decision either.

Helena Walton's POV

Graduation day. It was supposed to be the happiest day in my life but for some reason it wasn't. I was seated in the front rows with the students of my year, but kept looking to the back. Yes I was looking for someone, not my parents, I had already spotted them. Even both grandparents were here to witness my graduation. Serena and Auntie Amelia made it too.

They started calling the names of the graduates and I looked back one last time before my name was called out. I climbed the steps slowly, received my diploma and joined my classmates in the back. My eyes kept darting to the entrance of the gardens, they kept searching the crowd for a certain face. I didn't know why, I had a feeling he would show up. It was time to throw our caps in the air, and as I was throwing mine, plastering a smile on my face, I thought I saw him. I stopped moving, everything froze around me as we held gazes. No one existed anymore. He mouthed something to me but I couldn't make it out. I climbed down the steps and started walking in his direction as if I was hypnotized.

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