Chapter 23: I have a daughter

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Adam Yilmaz POV

I watched Lena happily following my Grandpa to the kitchen and made my way to where Karam was seated. It was crazy how in so little time my life changed so much. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact I have a daughter. I loved children and always dreamed of having kids running around the house, but I always thought my first baby would be with Lena. Not Amanda.

Even when Lena and I weren't on speaking terms, or were each on different sides of the globe, I never lost hope that one day I'll get my chance with my childhood love.

And a week ago, I came back to New York, finally having a chance with the woman I love, coming to think of it, I've never loved anyone else. Sure I've dated here and there, but none of them were my Lena. None of  them were real.

Looking back at the facts, it really was an edgy week. For starters, I found out I have a daughter then I learned the truth about my father's family. But I was glad Lena came back to me. I'm not sure I would be able to go through with this without her by my side.

"What are you thinking about so deeply?"

"I don't know Karam, everything. I always thought they didn't want me because I was a painful reminder of their dead son when it was in fact because I wasn't really his grandson. You know, him I can understand but her? She's my grandma... My dad was her real son, doesn't she miss him?"

"Forget about them, Adam. I always tell you to never let the sadness of your past, and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present. So don't think about anything or anyone that could trouble your present. You are happy now, that's what matters. Stop acting like a brat and man up". He said the last part with a chuckle.

"Thank you Karam"

"What for?"

"Being there for me. Never leaving my side, always guiding me. Thank you for being a brother to me."

"I'm your Uncle" he smirked and gave me a high five. "I'll always be there for you. You're a gift from Leila, you can't even dream that I'll ever let her or you down".

"How am I going to do it?"

"Do what? What are you talking about buddy?"

"Emily... I know nothing about being a parent. What should I do? Should I go see her? Should I get her gifts? How do I tell her she's mine?"

"You don't. Let her mother do the talking and just be yourself, Adam. Be the father Zachary was to you. Treat her how he treated you. I'm very confident it will come naturally to you."

I let out a sigh running a hand through my now ruffled hair. I needed to distract myself and enjoy the fact Lena came back for me.

"What about that woman you told me about? The one you met in Barcelona? Anything serious?"

"Well, to be honest, I really liked her but I don't think the feelings were mutual" he chuckled shaking his head before sipping on his drink. "When I followed her out of the casino she came with me to my hotel room, didn't give me her name or any personal info. I didn't care at the time thinking I'll get a chance in the morning, but by the time I woke up she was gone."

"It was only a one night stand for her"

"I guess... I saw her again on my last night there. She was tipsy and there was this group of teens... they seemed like bad news. I just stood there at first watching them but when they started manhandling her I interfered."

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