Chapter 30: Be patient

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Helena Walton's POV

"It's been six months mom!" I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest pouting like a little girl. I was feeling awful but tried my best to hide it when I was around Adam. He's been through enough already and I wasn't going to add to it.

"These things don't always happen easily Helena, I told you an hour ago and I'm telling you again, you need to be patient sweetie." She took a sip of her tea and gave me a reassuring smile that honestly didn't help one bit. "Where is Adam anyway?"

"He's out with Emily. They have a date every Saturday, she needs to spend some alone time with him. She's always with me or you for that matter." I took a bite of my cookie and smiled at the pictures Adam just sent me. "They are at the water park, she's having a blast."

"That's good. Does she know you're trying to have a baby?"

"She keeps asking me when she'll have a sister or brother." I rolled my eyes but then it hit me "Maybe I can't have babies? What if I'm barren?"

"Oh, dear God Helena! Don't say that. You'll get pregnant just stop stressing about it and stop trying. Forget it for a while, it will happen I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep mom" I smiled and sat up straight "I think I should pay the doctor a visit. Maybe there's something wrong? Better know now. Just to make sure."

"It's not a bad idea, I'll take an appointment for you" she got up and went inside the house leaving me in the garden. It was a sunny and beautiful day, yet I was feeling so down.

Since the day we got back from our trip to Bali, we've been staying in Adam's late parent's house along with Emily. We fell into a routine in no time adjusting to each other. Adam was named CEO of our construction company and started going to work right away. He would come back late sometimes, but I didn't mind as long as we slept in the same bed.

I had taken a couple weeks off to help Emily settle in and feel welcomed; I didn't want her to feel abandoned so I stayed home with her while Adam was at work. Spending most of her time with me, Emily grew fond of me and she was very possessive of me. The day I decided to go back to work, she wouldn't let me. She started crying and throwing tantrums not wanting me to go.

Emily did the same ever since, I wouldn't dare utter the word 'work' in front of her, even though she was fine with Adam working. All she wanted was to have me by her side.

Every time Amanda called, Emily would run upstairs to her room and hide in her closet. She wanted nothing to do with her mother; she even refused to call her 'mom'. I tried my best to mend things between them but that little girl was so stubborn, taking after her dad.

Four months of Emily living with us and she started calling me 'mom'. Don't take it wrong, I loved that she saw me as a person she could trust and love to the point of calling me 'mommy'. I just didn't want to replace Amanda, it wouldn't be fair to her no matter the mistakes she made.

I've been trying to have a baby of my own for a few months and every time I would see the negative test I fell more and more into depression. Having Emily makes me feel better somehow; she fills up the void I'm feeling.

"We can go see the doctor on Monday, do you think Adam can take care of Emily while we're out?" my mom asked sitting down with a plate of freshly baked cookies.

"I'll talk to him, he'll manage" I smiled and looked at the cookies she baked "You're so good with baking, I wished I had skills like that."

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