Chapter 15: living like a rat

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Helena Walton's POV

Finally we reached our destination and I put my tennis shoes back on when Adam parked the car in front of a huge wooden house. I remembered coming here when we were kids but the memories were faint and distant.

Climbing out of the car I stood there looking at the wooden structure, trying to get more memories about the times we visited. But Adam had other plans in mind as he took my hand and led me away from the house. Oh right, the sunset, he wanted to watch it with me. It made me giddy that we were actually going to have our first real romantic moment and more importantly drama free.

We reached the edge of their garden just as the sun was starting to set. It was breathtaking and so romantic. I felt Adams arms go around me and instantly relaxed into him. I felt like I was in the right place, this was home, his arms were my safe haven.

"It's amazing isn't it?" Adam's voice sounded so sexy and husky that it sent a shiver down my body. But before I could answer him I felt him pull away from me and turn to look behind us. I did the same and gasped in horror.

"It is amazing indeed"

I coward back a little before Adam jumped in front of me protecting me from the gun pointed at us. Only a few minutes ago I thought this would be a drama free moment for us, turns out it is quite well the opposite.

I buried my face in Adam's back, I could feel how tense he was, and I couldn't blame him! He was at gun point after all, and he was also trying to figure out how to get me out of here unscathed.

Without knowing where I got the courage from, I slightly pushed Adam aside who was reluctant to let me face the man threatening us. But I had just gotten Adam back, I wasn't going to stay back like a coward and let him get harmed.

"It was beautiful before you showed up Damon!"

"Shhh don't anger him Lena, what are you doing?" Adam whispered shout at me but I ignored him and took a step forward.

I was in fact terrified, but I didn't want to show it. I never liked to show my weaknesses and that wasn't going to happen today.

"What do you want?" I asked him with a glare.

"I missed you baby, didn't you miss me?" he smirked checking me out and I was glad I chose an oversized jumper.

"I can never miss someone like you Damon, you're a jerk, a rapist! Why would I miss you?"

"Alright that's enough, he has a gun!" Adam pulled me back to him but I shoved him off, maybe it was the adrenaline I don't know but I just wanted to take care of myself for once.

I had never forgotten how bad he made me feel that night, how bad I just wanted to die. If it wasn't for Adam, I probably would have. He showed just on time before I could just throw myself at the coming cars.

I took another step forward and gave Adam a warning "Stay back and don't touch me!"

"Lena please he has a gun for God Sake" I looked at Damon who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Yeah Lena, you should listen to your brother for once... oh he's not your brother he's your boyfriend? But what about Maxwell?"

How the hell did he know about Max? When was he even released from prison? Was he stalking me since he got out? Why show up now? A million questions were running through my mind when I heard Adam's voice break through my thoughts.

"I'm not her brother you jerk! Stop insinuating things! What do you want?"

"I'd check my temper if I were you Adam, I'm holding a gun after all aren't I?"

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