Chapter 10: I hate what I've become

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Adam Yilmaz POV

Lounging in my living room, I glared at my computer screen as it glared back at me. I had a project for school I needed to work on. The due date was on Monday morning, meaning I only had the weekend to finish it. But I just couldn't get myself to focus.

I kept seeing in my head the picture of Helena I saw this morning. She was wrapped in a guy's arms and she was smiling widely. At first I thought it might be just a friend but the caption under the picture said otherwise. She had written "The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new".

Reading this really did a number on me as I slammed on phone on the wall. I didn't know the guy, never saw him in my life, and knowing her taste in men I was a little worried about her.

I picked up my new phone and called Johnny D. We talked for a while and then I dared ask him.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Maxwell, he's in the same year of her, they met in a conference with the dean."

"Anything we should worry about?" I had asked him to keep an eye on her, to be there for her when she needed someone.

"I don't know the guy man, she's been asking about you at first but then just stopped. And now she's with him. He seems good I don't know"

"Will you ask around?"

"Will you stop stalking her?"

We both chuckled and I shook my head missing this imbecile. "I miss you man"

"So do I. I'll be coming for Christmas break if you don't mind"

"Sure, maybe you'll get to know Kayra better"

He chuckled now used to my teasing. He had met my cousin last time he came to visit, and they seemed to get along well, but nothing happened due to bad timing. Kayra was seeing someone.

"Alright, I'll try and finish this stupid project, don't forget to tell me if you find anything"

We said our goodbyes and I sat up properly but didn't move my laptop from the coffee table. I kept staring at it until I heard Celine's voice. She had been a great friend, and lately she just liked spending time here in my house, she had practically moved in.

Her dad died when she was still a kid, so her mom brought her to Turkey and was living with her parents. Celine's grandparents still followed the old ways, not liking how our generation lived freely and did as we pleased. They were in fact still into the arrange marriage kind of stuff, and their way of thinking suffocated Celine.

I looked up when I saw her coming into view, talking on the phone with someone, only wearing lacey lingerie. I rolled my eyes and looked away as she sat on the table just mere inches from me.

She always walked around in nothing, saying she liked the feeling of freedom, but I knew she mainly did it to try and seduce me. At first it pissed me off, but now I got used to seeing her like that. I watched her put the phone aside as she locked her gaze with mine.

She slowly got up and straddled my lap caressing my glaring face.

"Celine" I warned her grabbing her wrist "What do you think you're doing"

"Just kiss me"

"No" I could easily push her off me, I was stronger than her after all, but I was afraid I might hurt her physically and emotionally.

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