Chapter 1: I hate you

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Adam Yilmaz POV

Throwing the last bag in the trunk I looked up as I saw my dad walking toward me. Zachary Walton. He wasn't really my dad but he was the one that took care of me all these years along with his wife Elise, whom I very much consider as my mother. They never made me feel like a stranger, they raised me just the way they raised their son Mason.

My parents passed away when I was 7, in a terrible car accident. They left me a huge fortune, many properties and even shares in a construction company. Zachary and my father Nejat Yilmaz were partners.

Even though I had enough money to take care of myself, Zachary had set up accounts for me, forbidding me to touch my inheritance. Saying I should use it for more important things. I didn't mind though, knowing he only did that out of love and because he considered me his son.

"Hey dad"

"Hey buddy, you're leaving today?"

"Yes, I need time to settle down before school starts. I have like four days I think. I didn't know you were home, I already told mom I was going and thought I'd go to the company to see you before I'm off."

He leaned on the hood of my car and crossed his arms casually "I came in from the back gate wanting to surprise your mom" he wiggled his eyebrows making me cringe.

"Don't put these images in my head!"

We both laughed and then he looked at me like he wanted to say something but didn't know how. I remembered that look. That's the way he looked at me when he picked me up from school when my parents died.

"Dad? What is it?" I asked concerned now.

"Nothing bad I hope... I just have a favor to ask you. Actually it's a huge favor, but I really have no choice."

It's then that I noticed he was holding an envelope in his fingers. He saw me eyeing it and shook his head.

"It's bad. It's really bad." He gave me the envelope and I immediately opened it, fearing what I might see.

I relaxed a bit when I saw pictures of Helena. Slutty pictures of Helena to say the least. I ran a hand through my hair "I don't know what to say to be honest. She hangs out with Serena a lot, I'm not saying Serena is a bad influence I'm just saying they are both unpredictable. Last week a friend of mine sent me a picture of her on a pole dance..."

"It was in the press. Your Gran came over and wanted us to get her a husband" he let out a nervous chuckle but I couldn't contain myself. I burst in laughter.

"Leave it to Gran to come up with ideas like these" I put the pictures back and handed them to him "But seriously that wouldn't be the brightest decision. We'll have her running off on her wedding day."

"Exactly. And that's what I need from you"

"What do you need me to do? It's not like we're close or anything, she hates my guts."

"She doesn't, trust me I know my daughter. All I need you to do is keep an eye on her, you're both going to Columbia, you're both enrolled in architecture..."

I cut him off "Dad, we are but trust me she asked me about my schedule so she could take different hours or different courses, so I have a slim chance running into her. I won't be able to do that."

"I know. And that is why I let her buy a big flat near campus."

"What does that have... Dad! No you can't make me do this! There's no way in hell I'm living with her. I already have my own flat! We picked it together, you and I... I told you I was going to ask my friend to live with me"

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